
This is a home away from home, a place of solace, sharing selected poetry, Art, Snap Shots of history and more.

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That’s All I Want

October 31st, 2013 · No Comments

All I want is a lover in a man
who can walk with me
holding my hand
cry with me while walking in the rain
understanding most of my pain
All I want is a man to be true
a one woman man
someone like you
That’s all I want

© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)

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Deep Passion

October 31st, 2013 · No Comments

I love thee…I want thee…I yearn for thee.
You are my Angel of love and life,
without you, my life crumbles,
like rocks tumbling down the mountainside.
I shudder to think of life barren of your love,
for memories of yesteryear haunt my soul.
Your affectionate embrace warms my heart,
as the fresh breeze of love dance gallantly
around us.
I’m gushing with enthusiasm, craving you deeply.
My body burns with inflamed passion waiting to
feel you beneath me.
Thirst for your love is the bliss that lives in
the unforgettable sea, its treasures belong
only to me.
As the misty rain bathes your skin,
my tongue tastes its sweet victory.
Let me partake in your splendour, taking you
to that promised passion.
May the fountain of love overflow as you
drink every drop of my internal love.
Move me shining star,
move me from earth to the moon.
May the stars sprinkle upon us,
as we moan in silence.

© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)

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Cupid…Say Goodbye

October 31st, 2013 · No Comments

Cupid…Say goodbye…..

Living the blues, watching the midnight news
as the tears streamed down my face, screaming,
moaning, why? The tragedy of lost love weighs
heavy on my heart as my thoughts wander sifting
through the haze of lost tomorrows, weeping with
infinite sorrow.

Spilling bucketfuls of blues on slippery slopes,
wasting time carrying loves heavy load. What shall
I do when he finds me lonely, he… cupid, that love
sick liar who pierced his arrow against loves
crumbling wall, where shadows danced in the
midnight hour.

My eyes red like a raging fire, casting hopes
higher and higher. Lord, come with me while I
wade through these rough waters. Save me from
loves agonizing curse of faded dreams. Let me
mend the notch between the seams.

Shivering, clenching fists, losing control with twists
and turns. A fetus forms between the blades, lying
still, teased by the oncoming of a late summers breeze.
Amid the roar of screeching and holler, I realize I’m
just a fool, filling myself with stress and pain while you
laugh it up, with whiskey and mesh stocking legs
wrapped around you.

I’ve cried my last cry over you, washing away all the
pain. Cupid you take your arrow and leave, Sully is
wearing the love of another on his sleeve and I’m Ok,
I’m Ok…..

© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)

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I Love You…Je T’adore

October 31st, 2013 · No Comments

When you whispered into my heart, touching me
gently and kissing my soul. A tingling sensation,
granted me a wish and a prayer, O my sweet Lord,
please don’t let this feeling disappear.

I no longer want to rest in slumber or lay amidst in
euphoric bliss. This reality that touches my soul,
the sweet taste of the warmest kiss, takes my breath
away. Yes my darling, better than any dream is a
reality such as this.

You have become my mountain, my valley, my
ocean and my sea. The quintessence of my thoughts,
The Royal beauty in my dreams. My heart, now
unlocked, only you holds the key. O darling this
undying love felt deep within my being is eternally
there for all the world to see.

Stars will never disappear, no they multiply in mass.
My love for you resembles that monumental view, for
all who gaze upon us will stand in awe, of me…of you.
May the rumbling of the sea, be our hearts, and the calm
of the ocean be our soul. May the arms of God’s trees be
our embrace, and may all that is good, keep us whole.

I love you, Je T’adore, O my sweet Prince, it is only you
I adore. Let the Heavens open wide, let the sky shine
radiant blue, may the colours of a rainbow be an arch
within our view . May the ambiance of nature be
potent and surreal. O yes, may all of this be our treasure,
as we walk among the blanket of flowers along the

I Love you…Je T’adore, may the buds of our flowers
blossom forever more…..

Written by: Melvina Germain
© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)

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Love and Devotion

October 31st, 2013 · No Comments

I’m bathing myself with your memories, feeling the brush of your breath on my skin. I’m sinking in that pillow of unforgettable bliss and flying on the clouds where moonlight madness begins…..

Dashing about in whimsical motion, I gave you my heart, my utmost devotion. A one man woman, that’s all I ever wanted to be and you my dear, was that one man for me.

Written by: Melvina Germain
© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)

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Night Shadows

October 31st, 2013 · No Comments

She wakes again at twilight,
and steals the blues of night song.
No Princess, Queen or King,
shall stand before her, whilst
night shadows dance along.

She cries the cry of goddesses,
and mermaids of the deep green
sea. Her repose became estranged
as she battles to be with me.

Again the night has passed, and
morning became the day. Our
sadness grew stronger by eventide,
as we knew they would soon take her

No night shadows came to our
rescue as time came to be. Her lips
were soft and sweet, I kissed her
tenderly. A faint good-bye, she whispered
as my tears began to fall. Sadness grew
stronger whilst we waited for the call.

Choice was not mine, as I left her
standing there. I walked away with my
head bowed, while her agonizing screams
permeated the air .

My love, I shall ne’re forget you.
Your beauty still walks the pale, and
I wonder if I’ll see you again goddess
in the meadow along the dale.

© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)

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Mistress Of The Deep

October 31st, 2013 · No Comments

Fairy Tale

Sleep mistress of the deep,
well deserved, tranquil peace.
Rest euphorically in the stillness of earths womb,
let its warmth abundantly consume.

Tis paradise prior to life’s earth breaking surge.
while trees and blades yawn past the dawn,
coos of doves have ceased the night in song

Eagles swoop the limpid gray moonlight
hovering God’s lap of earth as if to steal its prey
I can not fathom the beauty of such precious sight
through mind or in our brightest day.

We, the beings who walk this troubled earth,
trudge heavily, on its generous blanket,
we steal, rip, mutilate and integrate
with bull like drills, over sized axe
and bullied blades of saw.

How dare we trample earth raging plea,
In protest she begins to burn.
Her menopausal silent flames
calm in slumber while she sleeps,
and the flesh of her belly violently turns.

Slumber d earth, burden d earth,
fever holds you while you sleep.
Wrapped in green sleeves of fallen leaves,
though comfort Blessed, you weep.

May long tongues of crawling creatures,
pierce not the heart you bare.
May your nakedness reveal,
how much you truly care.

I’m one who stands among the few,
who’ll dance the glory of your freedom.
I’m willing to give my all for you,
as wisdom fills my glass,
I will rise to the task.

Fearless warriors,
our eyes brilliantly shone
upon the mountains high,
covered in misty veil.
Fists of gold will defend you,
as steel persists to rape the trails.

Mistress of the light
Mistress of the dark
Unite in spirit child

Blessed be the spirit of the North,
Blessed be the spirit of the South
Blessed be the spirit of the East
Blessed be the spirit of the West

Let the breeze carry you
along earths aisle to the fields
of happiness.

Paradise gone, paradise come.
Paradise a foundation do you lay.
May the coming of the chronicle sun,
siege the night and spare the day.

I’m dining, feasting upon natures mark,
This too I’m so finding.
Reach for me sweet mistress,
touch me tenderly.
Take my heart and melt it
between your bosom d tree.

One day, I’ll dance through vale and mist,
and walk the gravel upon the trail.
I’ll listen to the hiss of waters blessing
and hear a quiet whispering song.
I’ll feel the warmth of a tranquil touch
and the breeze of pleasure stealing.
My lips will touch a glass of nectar
filled with love, and I’ll observe the
cooing doves hovering up above.

© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)

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Midnight Dance

October 31st, 2013 · 2 Comments

O silhouettes, dance and peer at me
midnight shadow darkened glow
on empty walls in echoed halls
mystified as played in a horror show
I fear thee not
you be that figment of my imagination
my mind’s own creation
so dance if you will
I’ll speak of you with my feathers quill
dance the dance of love
beneath God’s royal sky above
I shall return the favour
O this I’ll always savour
free from the fetters of reality
twirling and turning gleefully
with thee I dance in the midnight hour
in the midst of all spiritual power

© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)

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