Journey To Success
Sometimes I wonder why is that inner voice that tells you, you can’t do it, so
strong. You can fall into darkness for such a long period of time and believe that you are not worthy, that everyone is better than you and you just don’t fit in. Well you can keep falling deep into that depression and adding to it by masking it with medication or you can pull yourself up on your feet, look yourself straight in the mirror and keep repeating two words, “I can”. You’ve heard it before, you hear in SpokenWord, in Motivational speeches and what do you do, you dismiss it, but this time, change that thought and act.
Close your eyes and look in the mirror inside, who do you want to be, where do you want to go, place that in your thoughts and keep those two words infinite within, “I can”…You find yourself taking long walks, further and further each day. Then you pick up and you begin to run. You’re breathing better, your thoughts are clear, your focus is bold and you begin to like yourself more and more.
You wake up Monday morning and while taking your morning run, you hear a voice encouraging you to run faster and you realize you have surpassed what you thought you could ever do. People are gravitating toward you and you smile and wonder why, doors are opening for you and opportunities are abundant and you look at yourself again in that mirror and realize that encouraging voice was yours. People gravitated toward you because you pulled them to you, you surpassed your original goal because you believed in yourself. You left that thought of uncertainly alone and soared your way to success all by yourself because you believed in you.
When we find ourselves, when we learn who the “YOU” is within us, our very soul. ‘YOU” and “SOUL” are not separated, they are “ONE”. When we have that realization and realize how high we can become, how far we can go, how much we can grow, we will soar beyond our expectations and the gifts will keep spilling upon us. It’s an infinite flow of Blessings and all because we believe in ourselves. We have what it takes but we have to believe, we have to focus, we have to paint it within our minds eye and we have to nurture it, keep feeding it and watch it grow. We are amazing beings and when we find the right formula for us, we will rise higher and higher. You won’t find it in a bottle of pills, you won’t find it in alcohol or sitting at the slots, you won’t find it laying in your bed crying the blues, repeating, I can’t. No but you will find it deep in “you”, bring it forth and you will be unstoppable. Remember, you need to do the things you need to do, to get to the place where you want to be. Go ahead, get yourself started on that journey to success…Melvina Germain…..
Tags: Inspirational

First of all, let me say, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. I woke this morning with words hurling all over me in every which way. A conundrum of words wanting to take their place upon my page, eager to flow from the ink of my pen.
I may be all over the place but there are some things I want to definitely address this morning. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we lived in a world where we can think of ourselves as one, accepting each other for who we are and not based on the color of our skin. You’ve heard it all before, Martin Luther King, had that dream. Perhaps its still unfolding with some, but certainly not enough of us.
We seem to have an insatiable hate for our own human race. Unfortunately it is seen in major instances with men overpowering, beating, raping, humiliating, demeaning and mutilating women. I’m troubled greatly by that, since it is women who bear the burden of bringing children into this world. That said, we are the beings who bring these hate mongers to this earth. How does this happen, who poisoned our innocent babies. Why is there so much hate toward the female gender, could it be fear, is there a need to keep control and keep the female under that blanket of unworthiness so they won’t realize their true power. Has the female forgotten who they were before they allowed themselves to be controlled. Perhaps a look back at history would give you some insight as to the strength of the female.
Ladies, don’ t forget the Warrior Queens, an army of all women, brave, forceful, strong yet still holding that beauty and sensuality but totally in control of themselves, strategic thinkers…we walked this earth, yes we did and it’s time to come back. This unnecessary pain that we have been subjected to, the constant reminder that we are not as high as the male, the reported, disgusting abuse, rapes that give power to a small mind…these tragic attacks, the brutality, the disfigurement, ripping of flesh, the constant sexual, verbal abuse, holding the female as an object to have fun with. All come from the male gender, O we must acknowledge that we are not talking of the whole of the male population but unfortunately a large number exists. It’s a constant battle and the stories are becoming darker and darker.
Not long ago, I believe last week, another one of our Native women was attacked in a mall parking lot in Prince Albert. Her assailant cut half of her face off and burnt her from the waist down, she now has lost both legs. I have not heard yet today whether they found her attacker or not. How does a human being hate so much to be able to do this barbaric act. I have to rest awhile, my chest is pounding with pain right now, this is so troubling to my soul.
Ok you know, I’m going to step back a bit…this piece took a turn I wasn’t expecting but that’s how things evolve sometime. If we had more acceptance in this world, not placing labels on people of race, color, if both genders were considered equal, we would live well. We can see color but lets see the beauty of it and not use it as a tool to demean, the same as race and gender. Commenting again on the latter, when we find it necessary to hurl names due to an argument or a dislike of an individual, male or female, we are demonstrating how foolish we are and truly we are demeaning ourselves.
You see the moment someone calls you a name that immediately places you on a much higher level, when you don’t return the tossing of daggers. You are not weak, you are wise. Confrontation is enjoyed by people who don’t think much of themselves so they find it necessary to lash out and blame others. The best thing you can do is remove yourself from volatile situations quickly leaving them to wallow in their own darkness. Remember they have a demon inside that must be dealt with but you don’t have to be the target of their frustration or their need to control. You can not fix them, the responsibility is there’s.
Protect yourselves, everyone, men and women…look around you in parking lots, check the vehicle beside yours, lock your vehicles and don’t trust smiling strangers asking for directions who many need a ride to the end of the block. Ladies pay close attention to your inner gut, you have the gift to know when trouble is around you, listen and act accordingly. It might save you years of pain. We can not walk alone at night in our wonderful country anymore. Take care of you and those you love around you. Act on anything you see that is not right, use your phone to immediately call for help. Be careful, young people, Seniors, men and women but especially you sisters, you are an open target for the wicked…..
I hope you get something out of this, once again, take what you can use and leave the rest. I’ll read your comments but won’t debate, these are simply my thoughts that I’m sharing with you. Melvina G…..
Tags: Poems by: Melvina Germain
Walking at the Mall, I see those volunteering for the Salvation Army Christmas Drive. We should still be fighting the unconditioned war on poverty announced by Johnson in 1964 and it does take an army. In 1963 the poverty rate was estimated to be between 20 and 25% of the American population, which meant about 32 million Americans were poor. By 1965, due to anti-poverty measures, the percentage had dropped below 15%. In 1973 it was 11.1%. Some in congress would have us believe that poverty programs actually hurt the poor, that poverty was due to a defect in character, not circumstances, disregarding the fact of our current problems – grinding unemployment, persistent wage stagnation, and increasing inequality.
At present 1 in 5 American children lives in poverty. According to official Census numbers, 46.5 million Americans are poor (15%). Nine out of 10 food stamp recipients live in a household with a child, a senior citizen or someone with a disability.
In September, some in the House of Representatives voted to slash food assistance by 40billion. And these poor surely don’t have health insurance. Quite a few governors made sure they won’t. They rejected Medicaid expansion, shutting out half of all low-wage earners in the country from any knd of insurance coverage. Many children need more besides toys.
Tags: Political

I noticed one of my nails was peeling, the others were relatively fine. However, I was greatly
concerned about the reason beneath the problem of the nail. Hence decided to look into the
situation by conducting a little research of my own. I was amazed with all the marvelous
information I found. Documenting such below…
1. Dark Lines Beneath the Nail

Dark lines beneath the nail should be investigated as soon as possible. They are sometimes
caused by melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.
2. White Nails

If the nails are mostly white with darker rims, this can indicate liver problems, such as
hepatitis. In this image, you can see the fingers are also jaundiced, another sign of liver
3. Pale Nails

Very pale nails can sometimes be a sign of serious illness, such as:
• Anemia
• Congestive heart failure
• Liver disease
• Malnutrition
4. Rippled Nails

If the nail surface is rippled or pitted, this may be an early sign of psoriasis or
inflammatory arthritis. Discoloration of the nail is common; the skin under the nail
can seem reddish-brown.
5. Cracked or Split Nails

Dry, brittle nails that frequently crack or split have been linked to thyroid disease.
Cracking or splitting combined with a yellowish hue is more likely due to a fungal
6. Gnawed Nails

Biting your nails may be nothing more than an old habit, but in some cases it’s a sign
of persistent anxiety that could benefit from treatment. Nail biting or picking has also
been linked to obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you can’t stop, it’s worth discussing
with your doctor.
7. Bluish Nails

Nails with a bluish tint can mean the body isn’t getting enough oxygen. This could indicate
a lung problem, such as emphysema. Some heart problems can be associated with bluish nails.
8. Yellow Nails

One of the most common causes of yellow nails is a fungal infection. As the infection worsens,
the nail bed may retract, and nails may thicken and crumble. In rare cases, yellow nails can
indicate a more serious condition such as severe thyroid disease, lung disease, diabetes or
9. Puffy Nail Fold

If the skin around the nail appears red and puffy, this is known as inflammation of the nail
fold. It may be the result of lupus or another connective tissue disorder. Infection can also
cause redness and inflammation of the nail fold.
10. Nails Are Only Part of the Puzzle
Though nail changes accompany many conditions, these changes are rarely the first sign.
And many nail abnormalities are harmless — not everyone with white nails has hepatitis.
If you’re concerned about the appearance of your nails, see a dermatologist.
Tags: Medical
A sense of calm dwells within,
while one experiences an
awareness of one’s
innermost feelings. In tune with
all positive energy. Synergistically
enveloping an intermingling
of both the conscious and unconscious.
Allowing one’s body to become
suspended, yet pillowed by the
softness of a white cloud.
The continued stillness, the quiet,
the calm, all blend together to
create a tranquil development called
Written by: Melvina Germain
Very clearly I’m interested in what you would do in order to bring about peace in the world. Let’s be fair and respectable to everyone. We’re not Mother Theresa’s but certainly some might have very strong feelings as to what they would like to do for peace. Share with us by writing a small article, a few words or poetic verse. I’m so looking forward to your words.
Let me begin by saying, my feelings are leading against the pedestal dwellers of this world who seem to be in the pockets of the poor. Unfortunately some of the poor don’t have pockets and are working extremely hard to survive. It’s a strange world when we really think about it, as it is the few who rule the mass and that ruling is done by the color green. Society has taken color and dissected it, mutilated it, degraded it and used it as a means to manipulate the weak.
I remember back in the day when an individual took the many pictures of children and placed them in so called order, going from the lightest child to the darkest. At the time I wasn’t wise enough to see the implication but as I grew older I realized what took place in regard to worthiness and that impacted me greatly.
It is my feeling that all people of this world truly need to stand together as one. Having said that I realize there’s much work to be done and I’m willing to reach out and touch, to share inspiration and do the best to be as positive as possible also knowing that negativity will present itself along the journey. Positive action will always rule over negative, that’s my thought. Good will always shine over bad, I believe that to be true and equality is what will blend us together as one.
Truly there is so much we can do together to bring forth a much better world. We can make great changes and often turn racists to fun loving, compassionate people. I don’t think it’s fair to give up on them, perhaps in childhood they were bullied into accepting such a horrendous outlook and since it is thromboned into their souls they can not find a release. It’s not easy but I’ve seen it happen and that change is monumental.
You see the eradication of past teachings is very difficult to unlock so that door may remain closed for a very long time but doors can be opened. Rather than wonder what your purpose in life is, why not take a part of your life and dedicate it to bringing forth peace. Decide what you need to do or not do to be that role model, allow others to see it shine in your eyes.
I’m not a complex person, simply a person who wants to wake up with a smile on my face, gaze out the window and no matter what the weather is, feel happy to know that during the day I will meet another peaceful individual who will smile back at me. Wouldn’t it be nice to walk up to a Mom and child and have a conversation without seeing fear in their eyes. Wouldn’t it be amazing not to see the color of a human being walking toward you but to only see the person and nod with a smile. Wouldn’t it be delightful to walk after midnight with no fear in mind.
We can have all of that and so much more if we’re able to find that tranquil existence. Well perhaps it’s but a dream with the trying times we are entrenched in nowadays. With all the hate, the fighting, discrimination, murdering, rape, kidnapping and trafficking of all sorts, the pounding of the heavy hand, the power of the tower dwellers what can we do to bail through all of that and find our peace. Still I’m optimistic and believe it is possible. We are amazing human beings and there is nothing we can’t do if we stand together as one and act diligently toward that bliss.
Do you see the light at the end of that proverbial tunnel, do you see shadows dancing to and fro and laughter blazing like fire cracking through the air. Do you see arms reaching out toward you awaiting a long embrace and lips ready to kiss your face. Do you hear the music, that syncopation of bliss, that food for the soul that will always exist. If only a tiny bit spills your way then perhaps you are that peaceful Angel that will bring forth peace. Today can be the beginning for you, to share with the world of all you will do…Please share…Written by: Melvina Germain
I love the hands
Whom I see saving people
From jaws of ferocious burning fire
From planes, from houses, from fires in jungles
Taking them to hospitals where doctors and nurses care
Without discrimination who and what they are
And fight to snatch from hands of death.
I love the hands.
I love those hands
Who are working on roads, on borders, on workplaces
At many places,to serve and save
The hands that work in fields to grow to feed
In research centers working to fight diseases
In nursing homes to mothers and kids
The hands that work like mothers and sisters
Going from house to house to get help for the poor
For the sufferings due to diseases and poverty.
I love the hands.
I love the hands
Who are working indifferent fields of research
To change the face of globe
To change our life style from
To bring smiles and shine on every face.
How can I love and like those hands
Who are burning fires here and there
Who are killing innocents mothers and kids
Drowning and downing ships and planes by blasts
Scattering limbs and flesh everywhere
Who are throttling breath of women and girls seeing new education
Who are adamant to keep them in old rotten chains
Who are adamant to make them wear the same color they ask
By silencing protesting voices by bullets and threats
They are changing smiles and laughter
Into sky tearing cries and sobs
And spread dark scaring terror in streets, schools and where not?
How can I love those hands!!!
Yes,I Love the hands who have boldly held pens in hands
To protest against such forces
I love those hands who are marching ahead
With the banners of love and peace
Lighting candles in the dark to spread light of universal love
I love the hands who are marching ahead for justice !!!!
Written by: Mohinderdeep Grewal
Rebuke All Wars
We raise our arms in the Blessing of peace,
with a white kerchief depicting a dove.
How great thou art upon this earth,
to recognize the oncoming of serenity,
and the beauty of the sweetest love.
Take a stand people, against all wars, and
hear the bugles and horns pierce the wind.
We come together standing hand and hand,
celebrate, O may it be the greatest jubilee,
as we raise our voices to rebuke and rescind.
Today we have yet to embrace such joy,
I dare say, we must believe it’s coming soon.
our thoughts are what we are, speak loud.
May our pens travel far…In today’s darkness,
let peace be the rose standing ready to bloom.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: Jan. 22/2015
Tags: Peace
You’ve been around the block and back and sometimes you may have tried a little crack. You say to yourself, tomorrow I’m going to make it but tomorrow never comes as you reach out to the bartender and grab your glass of rum.
You bathe and wallow in pity, time and time again, pick on people you don’t know, sharing complaints as if they were your long time friends. O you’ve partied hardy and saw beauty that didn’t exist, grabbed on tight and took that beauty home.
The morning after, your eyes opened wide, turned your head, abhor ed and disgusted, you’ve lost your pride. The person laying beside you was a sight you dread and for an instant, you wished you were dead. But you say to yourself as you did yesterday, I know tomorrow will be a better day.
Your thoughts are right on but your actions fail you, and sometimes the authorities find it necessary to jail you. No matter what, the words in your mind still say, I know tomorrow will be a better day.
People who surround you are holding you back, deceivers, failures, alcoholics, drug users of heroin and crack. It’s time for change and that’s never too late but difficult it is and time does not wait. You let your dreams go but now you want them back and tomorrow has come, it’s time to get on track.
You begin to formulate, articulate and regenerate your soul and you stand beginning to realize all that is real. You’ll find you have greatness and nerves of steel. You are greater than what you are associating with, you know you must empower yourself by taking some risks. What have you got to lose, you’ve been flat on your back. The only way is “UP” and only darkness will be the lack.
Now listen to me, I have some words to share and I hope you pay attention and become aware.
If you want something bad enough, go out there and get it.
Don’t allow jealousy to sabotage you and you’ll never regret it.
Deceivers, failures and losers may scream, but never allow them
to hinder your dream.
Loot at it, taste it, reach out and hold on tight, that dream will be
yours after a long intense fight.
Don’t give up too soon or think it’s too late. Your dream is right
there…all you got to do, is open that gate.
You have something that others think impossible. A well groomed
character that’s virtually unstoppable.
You’ve come a long way from sleeping on the floor. Hold your
head high and step through that door.
By: Melvina Germain
(c) Journey of the Soul
Tags: Inspirational

Canadian Cynthia Sharp is a regular contributor to the Melvina & Friends Poetry Group.
She has been published in Toasted Cheese & Haiku Journal and was nominated for the
XXXVIII Pushcart Prize & Best of the Net Anthology. She enjoys the beauty of the west
coast, where she is at work on her first fantasy novel.
A New Poem from Cynthia Sharp
(Notes on the Back of Photo)
Sundays at Riverside
the ease of her voice
in the handwriting
on the back of the photo
my great aunt
sent my grandmother
in the collection of prints
entrusted to me
a connection more real
than all the pretending
I do on the back of pictures
making me crave
the same right to be honest
to have someone in my life
as safe as Cathy felt
with her elder sister
my aunt still breathes
in that moment by the riverside
with the love
she was allowed to choose
reflected back to her
their joy still speaking
to future generations
from that afternoon
by the water in the forties
the most real
of all the scraps and
held in my basket of time
the wind in the present
drawing me from reverie
I wonder what little girl
I will leave it to
and if I will adore her
as much as my grandma
esteemed me
the image a reminder
to trust your soul
and be with your heart’s love
follow only your own intuition
and have a sister
who values your happiness
(Notes on the Back of a Photo
was inspired by my
Godmother and great aunt’s
handwriting on the back of a
picture of my long deceased
Godparents. I was sorting
through a basket of pictures
from all the parts of my own
and my grandmother’s lives
entwined together, a project
more about process than
completion, when the image
spoke to me in a whole new
Into the Heart
Cracked from the core,
the wounded self surrenders
to the healing turquoise
love of the universe.
To break is to let the light in and out,
where it is renewed
in the source of all,
to give beyond what kindness
we thought possible,
like winter trees
reaching across the stillness,
the fractured pieces of ourselves
truly more beautiful
for their wisdom in the flow of life.
When sun shines on shattered clay,
when water smoothes its edges,
we hold our brokenness
in our open palms,
trusting the privilege to serve.
Made strong in Him,
the mature heart reaches
to the depths of its core
for grace.
In brokenness we release
the construction of perfect images,
to be made whole
in His love,
in our humanity,
in service,
spirit rising like a phoenix.
and Baptism for my second replacement poem on your site
Bowing before Jericho Beach,
twilit in rose,
I dip delicately into
the saline womb of the sea,
let the ocean water
flow through my fingertips,
pan across the Pacific horizon
to the harbour,
where the calls of gulls
override the garrulous city behind.
Salient pearl-capped waves
entice the shore,
wend along the winding coast,
coalesce in memory,
abrade the jagged rocks
of my soul,
wash over me
as I await entrance –
Transcendent touch of grace
trickling across
the mosaic of broken shells
like a wind chime
sifts the remains,
gently letting go
of all I never needed.
Tags: Uncategorized
This peace,
so deep it comes unbidden descending,
ascending enveloping softly silently,
leaving not a trace
not a hint of its presence
words only hinder its advent ~
it falls lightly ~
like feathers on newly cut grass
Charlie Giardino
To mom and my wife Maryann,
who taught me the value of giving without thought of return.
To my daughter,
who is certainly the sweetest person in my world.
To my granddaughters
who give me a reason to wake and greet each new day.
To my aunts,
cousins and nieces you all have a special place in my heart.
Thanks for sharing my joy and sorrow,
you make this hard world an easier place to live in.
For my incredible female friends,
please know that I cherish and appreciate all you have done for me.
For the big things, and there were many,
but also for all the seemingly small things
that brighten my day and soften my heart.
I speak for myself when I say that I often took you for granted,
fool that I was now my eyes have opened
and I can do no less than thank god,
for all you do and all you are.
You are god’s hands and feet
in an otherwise cold and harsh world.
Please accept my deepest gratitude and sincere love.
You are what living is all about,
you color my world with sweetness and light.
Charlie Giardino
How did you come to find me?
I thought I was seeking you
at the end of my defences.
Your love came tumbling through
at the limits of my knowledge.
Your mercy, it took hold
when my tank came down to empty
love entered uncontrolled.
When my plans had come to nothing,
all my scheming brought to naught
with a mind consumed by sorrow
and a heart so overwrought.
When the light was only shadow,
the day as dark as night,
and the peace I only dreamed of
had vanished from my sight.
My shame was ever present,
guilt plagued my aching mind.
What comfort could I hope for?
What mercy would I find?
With nothing left within me
in a lost and lonely place,
I finally was ready
for the shower of your grace
Charlie Giardino
He fumbles for his sunglasses,
descending the steps of St Agnes church.
The mid-morning sun hurting his eyes,
almost as much as the songs at mass hurt his aching head.
Whatever happened to the old hymns?
These new ones drone on in a sea of repetition and insipidity,
Nothing much of value these days,
Anyway the wife was gone three years now,
and whoever was left in the broken-down neighbourhood
didn’t go out much anymore.
And the few who did
just sat on their barstools,
and stared steadily and fixedly into the past.
The kids didn’t come around much
and only called when they needed something.
Not that he minded living alone,
he was okay with it but a phone call every now and then
wouldn’t kill them now would it?
He walked to the bodega on the corner,
bought a six-pack and ambled home
taking the shortcut through the park.
Charlie Giardino
We lived in black & white back then
on the small screen with rabbit ears and tin foil.
Life was tinier then, it fit in a brown paper bag.
We hung out on the corner arguing baseball deep into the night.
Three teams we had and three center fielders,
Mantle, Mays & Snyder.
The Duke would climb fences at Ebbets Field,
to snare a long fly while the Mick taped his legs in the Bronx,
and Willie, hell he was Willie tapping the glove
as the ball was caught basket-style into the deep pocket of his mitt,
almost as deep as center field at the Polo Grounds,
475 feet if I remember correctly.
The Giants played there just a stone’s throw from the Stadium,
and the Yankees and egg creams were a nickel.
A dime for a big one mixed up in the candy store,
where we all hung out and grandmothers watched their young,
their elbows propped on pillows placed on the window sill.
Hell, I had 37 relatives that lived within three blocks of each other.
now we’re scattered all over the ones who aren’t gone altogether.
We’d gather at grandma’s for Sunday dinner,
the uncles, the aunts, the cousins and the kids sitting at the kid’s table.
You could even fall in love in the old neighbourhood.
Then you’d pack up and move away to the Bronx or points beyond.
On Sunday afternoons,
we’d watch the big guys who were 3-4 years older than us
play stickball on Pleasant Avenue for $100.00 a man.
In the late fifties must of been those guys on the corner,
with dress pants and guinea tee-shirts who put up the money .. .
They always had lots of it tied up neatly in rubber bands.
at night, they’d bring the juke box out on the street and we’d hear
‘One Summer Night’ by the Danleers
or ‘I Wonder Why’ by Dion & the Belmonts.
We’d open the johnny pumps to stay cool until the cops came and turned it off.
We promptly turned them back on soon as they were out of sight.
Whole families were out on the street sitting on stoops or folding chairs,
girls were jumping rope while boys played stoopball.
After which they’d get together,
and the guys would steal a kiss in the park if they were lucky.
There’s nobody left down there now,
except for a few stragglers who hung on as days went sadly by.
Yes, it was a smaller world back then but it loomed larger,
much larger in our minds . . . in our hearts . . . and in our dreams
Charlie Giardino ……5/8/13
He was tired of the questions,
no answers ever came anyway.
Every why, gave birth to another one.
Could it be the questions themselves were a barrier to truth?
Perhaps necessary at the start but ultimately to be discarded.
Perhaps the very search for truth was a hindrance,
an obstruction to be broken down or seen through.
Could it be that accepting insecurity,
could set the stage for the surrender that was needed,
to break the chain the ties that bind us.
To the wheel maybe trust is the key,
like a child who knows nothing
but feels safe in his father’s care.
Who relaxes into the knowledge that he is loved,
and doesn’t even know he knows that something like that,
must be something like that.
Charlie Giardino 8/13/12
Tags: Poems by: Charlie Giardino

Art by: Melody Germain
We have taken color, dissected it, mutilated it, raped it, weaved it,
treasured it, loved it, walked away from it, brutalized it, lusted
after it and scolded it. Yet we become mystified by its hues,
dramatized by its velvet texture, glorified by its spirituality and
soothed by its ability to comfort. We, a thousand universes
synergistically blended into one, we the world. We the wind, the
tame, the earth mothers, the earth fathers, every living organism
that partakes in the development of the minute, of the vast and
of the glorious…..
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: 2012

Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors. We may understand its scientific degrees but we humans are a strange lot. We carry it a whole lot further by placing humans in color categories with specific qualities upon them, we as I call it colorate it, I know, I know, there’s no such word, however I will make it one for thus. Arrogant? perhaps, still I believe we do color rate in race groups and we designate what color comes first, second etc. As a teenager in high school, I often listened to the ritual as I was approaching someone. Hey! if your Black, stay back, if your Brown, come around and if your White, come in. Some may read this and remember and laugh and even some may read it and not remember and still laugh. I didn’t laugh however, I felt a different emotion.
My poetic mind carries me far in thought, if our eye did not have light receptors and we could not differentiate between the colors. Perhaps looking at people, they might all look alike, deeming it impossible to differentiate in color. Now, does that scientific difference bring about peace because we no longer know who is who. A Black person and a White person would look the same and the onlookers would feel no pressure to discriminate. O but many would say, it’s a whole lot more than that. I disagree as often we are judged mainly on the color of our skin, getting past that would open the door.
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Tags: Color
First and foremost, always speak with your doctor about anything new you are trying. Ultimately you make your own decisions but it’s very good to have your doctor’s input as well.
Over the years I have used a few products to make myself look and feel better and also used some to help enhance my health. One thing I discovered many years ago was the use of oils. I was suffering tremendously from rheumatoid Arthritis and walking was extremely difficult at my young age of 44. I was in my shop and a couple came in to the store, an older gent and a young woman, father and daughter. He noticed how I was walking and asked me what was wrong, I told him. He boldly said, you don’t have to walk like that, I can help you. We talked and he brought me two bottles of oil and explained how to take care of it so as not to contaminate it and also how often to apply it. It was a mixture of three oils, peanut oil…one must make sure they are not allergic to peanuts, the second was Olive oil and Castor oil. I was very interested and really looking forward to getting started with my regimen. Well within days, I began to feel better and walk better, I was amazed at what was happening to me. I continued the use of that particular concoction for years and felt Blessed for meeting this gentleman.
I was able to help others as well within those years, one very dramatic case was an old woman who had not taken a step in a very long time. I shared my experience with her daughter and sent her two bottles to Nova Scotia. Well my friend rubbed the oil on her Mom’s legs and within a couple of weeks her Mom asked if her daughter and her nurse would help her to take a few steps. My friend was amazed as each one took one arm and the old lady was taking steps she had not taken for quite some time. My friend told me she couldn’t hold back the tears. Her Mom got up everyday and took a few steps and felt good for doing so. Unfortunately my oil did not work for everyone I tried to help, my Aunt Kay had no luck with it at all. Her hands were quite deformed, I felt bad it didn’t work for her. I shared with many and many had some good results. Years later, I felt my legs were doing fine and I stopped the regimen of the tri oils.
I kept using the Olive oil all over my body and especially on my face, along with hot cloths. I learned that little trick from a Korean student who had such beautiful fine skin. She used Olive oil and heated up a facecloth and placed it on her face for amazing results. I’ve been using Olive oil for years, but decided now it’s time for a change, I now use coconut oil and I love the change as it is a lighter oil and absorbs quickly. I do keep a good supply of Olive oil however as I do oil pulling sometimes for my teeth and also for dry mouth prior to a reading etc. Oils have been very beneficial during my lifetime. I will try the coconut oil for awhile and if I don’t get the results I’m hoping for, well back to old faithful, Olive oil. I use oils everyday without fail, I don’t like wrinkles or huge lines in my face so I will do whatever it take naturally to keep them at bay without the use of any type of surgery. As a black woman, I fear the possibility of keloid skin so a facelift is not for me.
I also like to use a mask at least 3 times a week and find it’s very beneficial. I’m using a new mask currently and will share when I notice favorable results. One thing I do for myself is bathe in Epsom Salt, Dead Sea Salt and a beautiful scented salt, along with some essential oils, especially Lavender, check below for further information. I just fill the tub with warm water not too hot as I don’t want to ever take the chance of falling to sleep in the tub. That can be very dangerous by the way. If you take a very hot bath, and fall to sleep, it is possible your heart may stop and you won’t wake up again. Apparently that is more common than we realize, an associate passed away like that and was discovered days later in her tub. She lived alone in an apartment and a downstairs neighbour noticed the water leaking from above. Keep your water at a nice warm temperature and enjoy your Epsom salt bath, it softens and soothes the body, and will soften up those hard corns on your feet.
Epsom salt is a wonderful item to keep on hand, I always have a good sized container on hand. Think about this, you can use Epsom salt in your garbage cans to help rid them of raccoons. I know this would help my Mom and sister as they are plagued with raccoons in their area. Believe it or not, if you place two tablespoons in a gallon of water, and sprinkle over your lawn, you will be the talk of the neighborhood. Everyone will want to know what you are using for such a lush lawn. Mix Epsom salt with Olive oil as an exfoliate over the whole body. rejuvenate your scalp with a mixture of Epsom salt and shampoo, let it sit on your scalp for a few minutes in order for absorption.
Realize that Epsom salt has magnesium in it and bathing with it, allows the absorption through the skin. Magnesium is useful in the treatment of asthma, COPD, Fibromyalgia, ADD, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, angina, cardiac arrhythmia, congestive heart failure, fatigue, kidney stones, migraine and tension headaches, complications due to pregnancy and premenstrual syndrome. Our bodies cannot properly use serotonin without the assistance of magnesium. Serotonin is a natural chemical created within the brain responsible for feelings of well being and relaxation.
I also heard on the Dr. Oz show that magnesium helps remove or break up plaque in the brain. We often think that old age causes hearing loss, when apparently it is caused by a build up of plaque due to a lack of magnesium. Having said all this wonderful stuff about magnesium, realize that it can cause problems with those who have kidney disease, so you really have to discuss everything with a doctor prior to using.
Epsom salt can also be used for cleaning, simply mix a paste with two ingredients. Epsom salt and liquid detergent, great for washing floors, especially on tile. Brush your teeth with a mixture of Epsom salt and peroxide. Use Epsom salt as a laxative, I’ve done that several times, but certainly not my favorite usage. Well I haven’t covered all the uses but I’m sure you must know some others, please share here with us.
Although I believe this goes without saying, I will remind you that a nutritional and balanced diet, including a regimen of daily exercise is certainly extremely important. Also as Alberta is not a very sunny climate, remember your vitamin D intake is very important. Looking for feedback people, so please share your welcomed knowledge here with us.
Hopefully this will give you some new things to try and please do come back and share your findings…..
Folks while relaxing in that soothing bath, sift through the pages of one of my soothing and delightful Chat books. Purchase one at $6.00 or 4 for at a low price of $20.00. Volumes 1-4 is available now and 5 – 12 on the way. Enjoy folks and don’t forget these are an excellent addition to your food baskets and a wonderful small gift to ship…..
First and foremost, I use Baking soda on heavily stained metal trays, pots etc. I generously wet the item, sprinkle baking soda on the area heavily soiled and let stand for several hours or overnight. Wipe clean and voila, beautiful. I do use baking soda as one of the ingredients in my bath but one needs to be aware that baking soda has sodium in it and if you are restricted in your diet, then you can not use baking soda. Again, talk to your doctor and be sure you are doing the right thing.
Maybe you’ve heard this one, mix baking soda in boiling water, crush up some foil balls and add to the boiling water, now you can immerse some small silver items into the mixture, let stay a minute or two. Remove and wipe clean, removes the tarnish beautifully to a wonderful silver glow. Enough for now, I will return.
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Tags: Household Issues