If you sit around waiting for God to come and save you, continue to gaze at poverty stricken countries, watch little children blow up like balloons, watch them walk barefoot through urine waters,listen to them scream in hunger while you sit in beautiful houses of the Lord. Well, you might be waiting a very long time for that hand to come out of the sky, wave a wand and say, all is well.
We have been given all that we need, all the treasures, all the resources, an infinite amount of land and beneath it’s surface yet more and more richness there for the taking but the greed of “man” is where the problem manifests. It’s so simple to see, the masses are like sitting ducks, some working their fingers to the bone to make ends meet, others in food lines waiting for a handout, some purposely give up and stop trying and the poor continues to scream, help me! We scramble, slap our brothers and sisters down, steal ideas and run to make a name for ourselves. We crumble when the going gets rough, depend on drugs and alcohol to soothe the pain.
While the mass is dying of strokes and heart attacks, the few at the helm are still stuffing their pockets and have much armor by their side to protect them when protests take a stand. The same people that are struggling are the people used to protect the few in power. The same struggling people are used to fight and spill blood.
We are mummified by certain individuals who look like us and have made their way to the top. We watch them walk in clicks but they never seem to see you. Ahhh manipulation has it beauty mark and have tossed a blindfold your way and what you see is not what it is. By the time you learn to think strategically, your time on this earth is coming to an end and then you have an urgency within you to share and make others aware. Well, you know, often you stand and shake your head and know that you re speaking to a brick wall because nothing in penetrating. So many minds of the young have been used and abused. Baited by the powerful who know full well how to keep them in their place.
Well, you can keep praying, you can keep calling out and waiting for that intervention. You see, it’s what you have been programmed to think, yes, that something grand is going to come and take great care of business but what we perhaps don’t realize is the help has already come, the answers were already given and generosity was at a high but you didn’t get or stand up and take your piece of the pie because there were stopping blocks placed their by the powerful few.
However, all is not lost, coming together in mass is all it takes to regain what rightfully belongs to you…sanity, peace of mind, happiness, joy, a beautiful place in which to live, enough to eat and a comfortable place to rest and sleep. We have an abundance of all we need on this earth, right here, right now and sharing is where the bliss begins.
Well now…there it is in a nutshell, all you have to do is deal with the powerful few.
My thoughts…Melvina
Tags: Spirituality
Got a sore throat try this recipe:
These articles held within are based on my research, my experience and
of my opinion. I’m sharing thusly…I’m not a doctor…..

Darkness Wins The Battle…..(Death of Robin Williams)
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening…Those in the world who love laughter are in shock over the death of Robin Williams. Many of us had no idea this amazing talent suffered so horribly with that dark and dismal disease of depression. I believe it is one of the least understood, as a matter of fact all mental illness has such a taboo on it, that many of us shy away from those who suffer with it.
Who would have known after viewing such a bubbly, vibrant, vivacious human being, delivering such joy with the most amazing quick wit. Who would think this man is suffering and suffering to the point of taking his own life. I’m in shock myself, I thought I understood this darkness but now I realize it truly is beyond my comprehension. The pain of it is horrible and those who take the stage and have to put forth that blanket of happiness, wearing a mask to hide the pain, it must be even worse.
Coming out onto a stage in front of hundreds of people, projecting a strong voice, embracing that audience and feeling the love from that audience. Perhaps this was a time someone like that feels love…for that few moments they are no longer alone but after exiting the stage doors the darkness quickly returns as something is missing from their lives and they can seem to find that life pill so to speak. Even though we have family love…still something more is missing. The constant feeling of loneliness while people are around us. Many in the world admired and loved Robin Williams, that along with his family’s love and the respect we had for his work but yet that wasn’t enough to keep the darkness from consuming his thoughts. In Robin William’s situation, the darkness won and Robin lost the battle with depression.
So many of us deny our suffering and hide away in our rooms filled with pain inside. We try to deal with it on our own but there comes a time when we have to make a good decision and seek help before its too late. Well we all know about Robin Williams so he apparently did seek help but that help wasn’t enough to keep him here with us. I’m certain the doctor’s gave him the best medication, he certainly could afford it one would think, so why did Robin Williams still find it necessary to kill himself. This is so dismal and so upsetting and extremely scary as to what this darkness can do.
Take care of yourselves, seek help, get in touch with “you”. Whatever you have to do to make yourself feel good about you. We are such precious beings and we can be very strong but yet at the same time extremely fragile. What others see is not always what we truly are and often we lie to ourselves thinking we are that tower of strength. It’s true, people look at us, admire us, think that we are on top of the world and when we turn our backs and walk away, our expression changes, that claw inside begins to grab at us again and the darkness shields the light. We do become consumed and stay in that dark and dreary place. Recognize it and move quickly away from the demon of depression. It appears pills did not work for Robin Williams so we ask the question…what does work?…I wrote a piece on my thoughts in that regard and will share the website with you this morning. I truly believe our help with this demon is far beyond the hands of man….
Robin Williams, may you rest in eternal peace, so sad brother… the world will miss all that you so generously shared with us. God Bless you…Melvina
DEPRESSION (Beat the beast of depression)
Depression is a place that none of us ever wants to be. We find ourselves
enveloped in a continual swirl of pain. Sometimes it feels as if our bodies
are shutting down. It’s difficult to see and listlessness has become embedded
within our soul. We hurt in extreme, mentally and physically, it’s an entrenching
pain and the mental set back is debilitating. Those who have not suffered
depression have their own thoughts of those that do. Often very little
sympathy is offered and slurs will catch our ears. She’s lazy, she simply does
not want to work, he’s taking advantage of you, get rid of him, she’s useless.
You look at yourself in the mirror and try to force a smile just to make yourself
feel better and look better. Age seems to be the visitor that comes to see you
in your darkest state and recognition brings on even more tears than before.
One simple word, even in a joke from one you love can hurt you though the
intention was not so. When depression strikes, the virtue of patience is also
lost and dark thoughts, ugly words emerge, hurtful daggers that will be very
difficult to apologize for later . One can only hope that the person taking the
blows is someone who cares for you deeply. Normally it is the one you love,
that you hurt the most.
What do we do when this unwanted visitor comes forth. Well some run to
a doctor and receive a prescription of drugs that very well help many. There
are those though that it sends into a direction that leads to more and more
depression when addiction takes hold. If you’re the type of person who does
not like to go straight to the doctor, take a look at some idea’s I’ve put forth.
Realize I’m not a doctor, just sharing what works for me in my overall feel
good remedy.
Due to the fact that depression drains your energy and your drive seems to
have ceased to exist. Now is the time to take baby steps. Oh it won’t work
overnight but certainly you can slowly lift out of that tight net of darkness.
You’re never alone you know, you can grab onto that spiritual rope and it
will uplift you little by little taking you closer and closer to the light. We
are strong beings and nothing is impossible in our recovery process.
Determination within the mind is key and will open the hole that we’re to
rise through.
Some steps you can take:
1. Call someone you trust and share
2. Treat yourself to candlelight baths, not too hot and don’t fall to sleep.
3. stay warm and comfortable take hot and cold showers, get that adrenalin moving
4. take short, intense walks…enjoy the beauty at your fingertips
5. breathe deeply. If you have a best friend, call on them for help.
Be special to “YOU”

Water is a natural healer, there’s nothing better than letting water bathe
you from the top of your head, to your feet. Feel it’s soothing powers.
Take a face cloth and hold the warmth of water against your face. Delight
in its Blessing.
I have a massage chair and a hand massage, I use them simultaneously
and that is amazing. It serves to revive you and loosen some muscle and
joint pain.
Do your best to stay out of your shell and get out among people. Go to
the mall, hear the voices and watch the interaction. Enjoy the children
playing, who knows you may tap into their energy.
Talk with others who have suffered and gain support from them.
Remember if depression get’s out of your control and thoughts of suicide
come forth, please seek advice of a professional immediately or get to a
You make your own decisions, you may want to call a doctor as soon as
you feel depressed, the decision is yours. I sincerely hope something is
this article can help you control or beat the beast of depression.
Article by: Melvina Germain
I reached out this morning with this note…Well this is not the best beginning this morning. At about 3:am, I woke with the most agonizing pain in my left leg. A horrible Charlie Horse that would not go away no matter how much I physically massaged it. I managed to get up, go into my living room and sit in my massaging chair. I merely wanted to be able to reach for my hand massage and begin working on this thing. Tense, squeezing, throbbing pain. Made me sweat and I could feel the anxiety building, knowing I had to control that before I began to holler and wake up the house. I took deep breaths and tried my best to calm myself while enduring the pain of the “Charlie Horse”. Then my mind plays games with me and thoughts come and beat me up. What if this happens when you are twenty years older and you can’t move in your bed but the pain is stronger and there’s no one to come and help you. What will you do then, oh my gosh, knock it off “mind”…Well with that thought in mind, I wondered what do I do to finally once and for all, get rid of these annoying monsters.
So guess what, here I’am asking you, what have you done to help and possibly stop the recurrence of the Charlie Horse. Please, please do share. Back to this morning. I did manage to bring that pain under control with constant manipulation of my hand held massage gadget, one of the best investments I’ve ever made. I went back bed only to wake up several hours later, thinking I was free. I sat up in bed and there is was again, so off to the living room and run through the same ritual. This time, the gent who lives downstairs hears me and comes to see what is wrong. I ask him to bring me a tall, glass of water, thinking it should help. Well now within minutes the pain is gone after drinking that glass of water. Could that be it, I wonder. What sayeth you, I do await some feedback here people, I need you, I do…Melvina…..
Regina Porterfield came on board immediately and shared that water is the answer. I wasn’t drinking enough, well I’m drinking as I pen these words. I’ll add to this as more feedback comes in.
Melvina Germain
Sadness can pose such emotional turmoil within. Especially when loss is the reason for such sadness and several heart wrenching situations may occur at the same time creating an effect that is overwhelming. One feels pain within, can’t sleep or concentrate on normal, daily chores. Sometimes we have that helpless feeling and anxiety may come into play. Wouldn’t you know it, the sister of all of this is stress . Now you are not dealing only with sadness but also the compounded emotional upsets that comes along carrying that horrid culprit stress.
Try not to reach for the telephone, wanting a doctor in order to soothe yourself with medication. Remember our simple built in forms of release, for eg. Prayer, “a long walk enjoying all that this vast universe has to offer”. Deep breathing, exercise and that food for the soul…Music. That’s right, turn down the lights, allow soothing music to take you to that place where you are covered with a blanket of tranquility. Clear your mind and count while laying on your bed, keep counting, don’t stop until you wake up several hours later. You ponder, what is going on, then you remember and smile. You have made it through the first day of suffering and are ready and set to deal with the next and the next and so on. Melvina…..

Clean Your Kidneys
Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this?
It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley or Cilantro ( Coriander Leaves ) and wash it clean.
Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.
Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.
Parsley and cilantro (coriander) are known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!
Both have similar impact but Parsley is preferred choice. Difference between Parsely and Cilandro. Parsely doesn’t have the smell whereas cilandro (Dhaniya Leaves) Smell. Parsely is used in Salads. Both leaves look similar to each other but by close observation, you can notice both are different.

M.R.S.A. (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)…
What is M.R.S.A. you can refer to the full name above and realize it is a
bacterial infection especially when you see the word “staph”. This infection
unfortunately is resistant to “Methicillin” which is commonly use to treat
bacterial infections but it won’t budge on this particular infection.
M.R.S.A. is a common bacterium found on the skin of healthy people.
However once in the body, one may experience boils, pimples which are
minor infections and easily cured. Having said that, on a more serious
note, one may experience pneumonia or blood infections. Unfortunately
these serious infections can cause death in the elderly.
M.R.S.A. usually infects hospital patients who are elderly or very ill.
People who have used a lot of antibiotics may be at more risk. Intravenous
drug users, long term illness, chronic illness such as rheumatoid arthritis as
it affects all organs and the immune system, causing one to be immuno-
suppressed. All these people are at high risk.
You need to know that healthy people can carry the bacteria in their nose,
on the skin for weeks or even years. One really good practice is to flush
one’s nose on a daily basis, usually every morning. Often morning and
night. Keep your hands exceptionally clean, this is key folks. Make a habit
of washing doorknobs with a disinfectant.
Sometimes you can clear the disease without treatment but if at a later
date you have need to undergo antibiotic therapy, it could come back.
Remember it is found in the nose, on the skin, in the blood and urine.
Insist your heath care worker wear gloves, they can carry the germ on
their hands from one patient to another. Ask questions, as a family
member you need to be aggressive. Hospitals is where many mistakes
are made. Nurses don’t gown up or insist visitors gown up and a body
fluid may splash on to a person visiting. Ask if your loved one is sharing
a room with someone. Blatantly ask…does this person have M.R.S.A.
or anything of that nature. Watch your nurses and make sure gloves
are removed between patients.
This disease although may be harmless to the healthy individual, it can
cause death to your elderly as mentioned above. Hospital staff are
very busy and forget very important things, I’ve seen it happen. I was
in the room with a patient who had M.R.S.A. and the nurses were
suppose to gown up and insist we did also and it didn’t happen. None
of us contracted it because we were healthy enough.
I’m told that several hospitals were closed back in 2011 due to M.R.S.A.
in the Quebec area. I know people were walking around the hospital in my
area with those antibiotic packs on because they had M.R.S.A. yet moving about
the hospital freely. It’s a dangerous disease, one justmust be careful. When
entering or leaving a hospital or hospital room, clean your hands with disinfectant.
It’s so simple, grab a gown and gown up to be safe, they’re easy to find or simply
ask for one.
Be aware, that’s key, a life can be saved when we know what’s out
Written by: Melvina Germain

My thoughts
My thoughts led me to a tranquil place this morning, where I began to dip into yesteryear. I remember when my father-in-law was suffering from Cancer and we visited the doctor for his usual appointment. The doctor asked him a question, my Father-in-law answered, you guys know what you’re doing. The doctor was an African gentleman and he quickly answered, we only know what to give or do for you for your ailment, we are not a part of your body, only you know your body, so I need you to tell me what is going on within it. My Father –in-law then began to explain how he was feeling. I remembered that visit and took a clearer look at myself and decided to take on full responsibility for what I put inside my body. I make all final decisions and refuse to leave such to anyone as long as I’m of sound mind, my body is mine. I think we owe it to ourselves to do what we have to do, to learn, to research and be aware of all that is going on within us. Having said that, I’m referring to the whole body, not just the physical but the mental and spiritual as well. We must take great care of the “you”, the soul and be the best that we can be.

Often my mind takes me to thoughts regarding Alzheimer’s Disease. For very good reason in fact. My mother and two of my Aunts suffered from forms of dementia. My Mom is diagnosed with “Extreme Dementia”. One of my Aunts was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. My youngest Auntie seemed to have a slow declining form of dementia so I’m assuming it would be considered Alzheimer’s as well.
We often ask, what is the difference between Alzheimer’s and Dementia. After many questions to people in the medical field, I was still confused, as no difference seemed apparent. Through the years you realize the only one to depend on is you and so you do the work and research as much as you can. I’ve learned we can’t totally depend on finding out the exact truth from doctors as they seem to always be in a learning stage. They are very busy focusing and taking care of their immediate specialty which may not revolve only around what you need to know, so
speaking with more than one doctor is crucial.
Contact the Alzheimer’s Society for a wealth of information.
Let’s understand the word “dementia”
– it refers to many different diseases
– some types are caused by different physical changes in the brain
– some can be reversed, treated and cured
– some can not be reversed hence can not be cured
– covers a variety of disorders
– memory loss is one symptom
– problems in judgement and reasoning
– mood change
– can no longer function at work
– can not function in relationships
– day to day tasks become more and more difficult
Realize there are many conditions that produce symptoms that are similar to dementia. Early diagnosis is key in getting the right treatment for these people. If the diagnosis is in fact dementia then the patient has early access to support, to information and treatment.
Alzheimer’s Disease is a form of dementia, it falls under the blanket of dementia. Alzheimer Disease is the most common form of dementia. It accounts for 64% of all dementia’s in Canada. It’s a gradual slow onset of memory loss that affects the persons ability to function on a day to day basis and a continuing decline. Changes in judgement and reasoning occurs and everyday tasks become more difficult.
Please note…the symptoms below may not be Alzheimer’s but could be another type of dementia.
-Sudden onset of memory loss
-early behaviour changes
-difficulty with speech and movement
Familiarize yourself with all the different forms of dementia. You can research much right here on the net. Go to the library or simply contact ‘The Alzheimer’s Society”. Everything we need and should know is available.
Alzheimer’s Disease is the first leading form of dementia.
Vascular dementia is the second leading form of dementia.
– it occurs when the cells in the brain are deprived of oxygen
– a network of blood vessels (Vascular System) supplies the brain with oxygen
– a blockage or disease can create a blockage hindering its performance
– the blood can not reach the brain
– cells die
– leading to symptoms of dementia
Contact the Alzheimer’s Society for a wealth of information.
A study was conducted and information was released in Canada in the year 2012 regarding the sharp rise in the number of Canadians with cognitive impairment, including dementia. Numbers of Canadian’s with such including dementia stands at 747,000 and will double to 1.4 million by 2031.
I’m including the link where you can read about the information found in this study.
Any one of us reading this article today could be the next sufferers of cognitive impairment including dementia. Awareness is key, don’t be afraid to research, be prepared and in so doing giving yourself the best possible treatment. Personally I feel it is also crucial to seek out all information possible on “prevention” as well.
Take a look at the economic impact of dementia’s.
-Today the combined direct/indirect medical, lost earnings, costs total $33 billion per yr.
-If nothing changes in Canada, this number will climb to $293 billion a year by 2040.
Contact the Alzheimer’s Society for a wealth of information.
Written by: Melvina Germain
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Schizophrenia usually first appears in a person during their late teens or throughout their twenties. It affects more men than women, and is considered a life-long condition which rarely is “cured,” but rather treated. The primary treatment for schizophrenia and similar thought disorders is medication. Unfortunately, compliance with a medication regimen is often one of the largest problems associated with the ongoing treatment of schizophrenia. Because people who live with this disorder often go off of their medication during periods throughout their lives, the repercussions of this loss of treatment are acutely felt not only by the individual, but by their family and friends as well.
Successful treatment of schizophrenia, therefore, depends upon a life-long regimen of both drug and psychosocial, support therapies. While the medication helps control the psychosis associated with schizophrenia (e.g., the delusions and hallucinations), it cannot help the person find a job, learn to be effective in social relationships, increase the individual’s coping skills, and help them learn to communicate and work well with others. Poverty, homelessness, and unemployment are often associated with this disorder, but they don’t have to be. If the individual finds appropriate treatment and sticks with it, a person with schizophrenia can lead a happy and successful life. But the initial recovery from the first symptoms of schizophrenia can be an extremely lonely experience. Individuals coping with the onset of schizophrenia for the first time in their lives require all the support that their families, friends, and communities can provide.
With such support, determination, and understanding, someone who has schizophrenia can learn to cope and live with it for their entire life. But stability with this disorder means complying with the treatment plan set up between the person and their therapist or doctor, and maintaining the balance provided for by the medication and therapy. A sudden stopping of treatment will most often lead to a relapse of the symptoms associated with schizophrenia and then a gradual recovery as treatment is reinstated.
Psychotherapy is not the treatment of choice for someone with schizophrenia. Used as an adjunct to a good medication plan, however, psychotherapy can help maintain the individual on their medication, learn needed social skills, and support the person’s weekly goals and activities in their community. This may include advice, reassurance, education, modeling, limit setting, and reality testing with the therapist. Encouragement in setting small goals and reaching them can often be helpful.
People with schizophrenia often have a difficult time performing ordinary life skills such as cooking and personal grooming as well as communicating with others in the family and at work. Therapy or rehabilitation therapy can help a person regain the confidence to take care of themselves and live a fuller life.
Group therapy, combined with drugs, produces somewhat better results than drug treatment alone, particularly with schizophrenic outpatients. Positive results are more likely to be obtained when group therapy focuses on real-life plans, problems, and relationships; on social and work roles and interaction; on cooperation with drug therapy and discussion of its side effects; or on some practical recreational or work activity. This supportive group therapy can be especially helpful in decreasing social isolation and increasing reality testing (Long, 1996).
Family therapy can significantly decrease relapse rates for the schizophrenic family member. In high-stress families, schizophrenic patients given standard aftercare relapse 50-60% of the time in the first year out of hospital. Supportive family therapy can reduce this relapse rate to below 10 percent. This therapy encourages the family to convene a family meeting whenever an issue arises, in order to discuss and specify the exact nature of the problem, to list and consider alternative solutions, and to select and implement the consensual best solution. (Long, 1996).
Schizophrenia appears to be a combination of a thought disorder, mood disorder, and anxiety disorder. The medical management of schizophrenia often requires a combination of antipsychotic, antidepressant, and antianxiety medication. One of the biggest challenges of treatment is that many people don’t keep taking the medications prescribed for the disorder. After the first year of treatment, most people will discontinue their use of medications, especially ones where the side effects are difficult to tolerate.
As a recent National Institute of Mental Health Study indicated, regardless of the drug, three-quarters of all patients stop taking their medications. They stopped the schizophrenia medications either because they did not make them better or they had intolerable side effects. The discontinuation rates remained high when they were switched to a new drug, but patients stayed on clozapine about 11 months, compared with only three months for Seroquel, Risperdal or Zyprexa, which are far more heavily marketed — and dominate sales. Because of findings such as this, it’s generally recommended that someone with schizophrenia begin their treatment with a drug such as clozapine (clozapine is often significantly cheaper than other antipsychotic medications). Clozapine (also known as clozaril) has been shown to be more effective than many newer antipsychotics as well.
Antipsychotic medications help to normalize the biochemical imbalances that cause schizophrenia. They are also important in reducing the likelihood of relapse. There are two major types of antipsychotics, traditional and new antipsychotics.
Traditional antipsychotics effectively control the hallucinations, delusions, and confusion of schizophrenia. This type of antipsychotic drug, such as haloperidol, chlorpromazine, and fluphenazine, has been available since the mid-1950s. These drugs primarily block dopamine receptors and are effective in treating the “positive” symptoms of schizophrenia.
Side effects for antipsychotics may cause a patient to stop taking them. However, it is important to talk with your doctor before making any changes in medication since many side effects can be controlled. Be sure to weigh the risks against the potential benefits that antipsychotic drugs can provide.
Mild side effects: dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, drowsiness and dizziness. These side affects usually disappear a few weeks after the person starts treatment.
More serious side effects: trouble with muscle control, muscle spasms or cramps in the head and neck, fidgeting or pacing, tremors and shuffling of the feet (much like those affecting people with Parkinson’s disease).
Side effects due to prolonged use of traditional antipsychotic medications: facial ticks, thrusting and rolling of the tongue, lip licking, panting and grimacing.
There are many newer antipsychotic medications available since the 1990’s, including Seroquel, Risperdal, Zyprexa and Clozaril. Some of these medications may work on both the serotonin and dopamine receptors, thereby treating both the “positive” and “negative” symptoms of schizophrenia. Other newer antipsychotics are referred to as atypical antipsychotics, because of how they affect the dopamine receptors in the brain. These newer medications may be more effective in treating a broader range of symptoms of schizophrenia, and some have fewer side effects than traditional antipsychotics. Learn more about the atypical antipsychotics used to help treat schizophrenia.
Coping Guidelines For The Family
Establish a daily routine for the patient to follow.
Help the patient stay on the medication.
Keep the lines of communication open about problems or fears the patient may have.
Understand that caring for the patient can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Take time for yourself.
Keep your communications simple and brief when speaking with the patient.
Be patient and calm.
Ask for help if you need it; join a support group.
Self-help methods for the treatment of this disorder are often overlooked by the medical profession because very few professionals are involved in them. Adjunctive community support groups in concurrence with psychotherapy is usually beneficial to most people who suffer from schizophrenia. Caution should be utilized, however, if the person’s symptoms aren’t under control of a medication. People with this disorder often have a difficult time in social situations, therefore a support group should not be considered as an initial treatment option. As the person progresses in treatment, a support group may be a useful option to help the person make the transition back into daily social life.
Another use of self-help is for the family members of someone who lives with schizophrenia. The stress and hardships causes of having a loved one with this disorder are often overwhelming and difficult to cope with for a family. Family members should use a support group within their community to share common experiences and learn about ways to best deal with their frustrations, feelings of helplessness, and anger.

LOVE THE ONE YOU’RE WITH…..(smoking info.)
Here’s a little paying it forward on my part but also on the part of the person who shares these words. I’m tired, so tired of losing my friends to this culprit that I felt I had to share some information with you today. If you are one of the unfortunate people to carry this burden, then this is for you. However if you are not and know someone you care about or love, I beg you to please share this information with them.
Many years ago, I had a disease called “PSORIASIS” I suffered tremendously and as it affected both of my hands, it was highly visible. I was so embarrassed that I tried my best to hide my hands, especially in stores while paying at the till. I went to many doctors and no help was available, tried many creams. It was a horrendous disease. I finally found a doctor who helped me a lot with what I called his magic machine that you know today as the tanning bed. I built up to fifteen minutes in that machine and finally I began to clear. Without the machine, my suffering returned, I couldn’t keep up the treatments and later bought a tanning lamp which also helped but I didn’t have the medication that you had to take along with the tanning. “PSOROLIN” pills. Still it was better than nothing.
At the same time, my lungs were in bad shape and my doctor after a bout with a lung disorder, told me I had to quit smoking. I remember, I thanked him for telling me that, as I wanted to quit and thought since a doctor told me it would be easier. Knowing that I might die from the disease surely I can quit. Not so, I was addicted to that cigarette, I couldn’t quit. I tried hypnosis, watching a graphic video etc. Finally I heard about Nicorette gum. At that time you had to have a prescription to get it, so I went that route and in three days had finally quit smoking. After two years of my warning, I threw my cigarettes out the window so to speak. A miracle in my eyes took place, it was like the peeling of skin, my “PSORIASIS” disappeared and I was left with very little scaring which also went away over the years. I have not had a flare up since and that was due to quitting smoking. For ten years I suffered and all I had to do was quit smoking.
Let me try to explain why you or the one you love should do the same thing. Nicotine is such a powerful and addictive drug. It enters your brain within ten seconds of taking a puff and actually alters how your brain works. It is more difficult to quit smoking than it is to give up “HEROINE”. Many of us think that cigarette smoking causes only lung disease but that is not so. There are numerousdiseases out there this is responsible for.
Having said that, a smoker is twenty times more likely to die of lung cancer but before that. Your lung capacity decreases and you can get what is actually “LUNG ROT” emphysema. Most emphysema cases are caused from smoking. It is impossible to keep a fresh mouth as germs are rampant and your chancesof acquiring tongue and mouth cancers are greater. A smoker is more prone to peptic ulcers, which are more difficult to get rid of and the chance of recurrence is greater and the ulcers won’t head as fast in a smoker.
Bowel disease has come into the picture as growing evidence shows that smoking may increase the risk of such. Four of five cases of cancer of the esophagus are due to smoking. As smoke enters your throat, cancer causing chemicals condense on your mucous membranes. Your fingers look terrible, you nails become stained. You’re just not that fresh looking person you once were.
Smoking is a major cause of heart attacks, do you know within one minute of your first puff. Your heart begins to beat faster, your blood vessels clamp down raising your blood pressure and forcing your heart to work harder. Also early signs of heart disease and stroke can be found in young smokers. The earliest I’ve heard of thus far is twenty years old, a young fellow.
For you beautiful ladies out there, realize you will lose that fine, silky skin as it changes to a rather leathery look and lines very easily and if you combine that with too much sun. Your skin could resemble the back of a farmers neck.
One final point here, we all value our eyesight, therefore giving up smoking will also help in that regard. The more you smoke, the more chance you have of developing a cataract which can cause blindness. Even former smokers have fifty percent higher risk of developing a cataract.
I really hope you read this article all the way to the end. It is my hope that in the following years we see a huge drop in smokers. 37,000 people in Canada die every year from diseases caused by smoking. Take a look at your cigarette, think long and hard of what you just learned here and ask yourself, is it worth it. Do I love my family enough to quit this habit no matter what it takes. Once you beat it, you can take a deep breath and move forward to a happier and healthier life. Blessings to all of you…..Written by: Melvina Germain…Jan.18/2014…..
Tags: Medical

Don’t let death scare you away,
its inevitability can relieve the day.
O it can be harsh like a raging storm,
but that death is not always the norm.
Death can be peaceful and allow you to slip away,
in front of many eyes who share your final day.
The resonation of peace captures our space,
all share the spiritual essence of God’s grace.
Let the aura of our departed beautifully shine on,
whist heartfelt voices share words in silent song.
Feel the warmth of death caress your soul,
as your body quivers beneath its spirit shawl
Fear not the coming of freedom’s, precious hand,
may it guide you to eternal peace in God’s promised land.
All who visit, may your tears be happy in celebration,
as an old soul returns to the hands of all creation.
May northern lights penetrate the deepest sea and
the South be the infinite green in Galilee.
May the East push forth and steal the sun,
while flowers scent flow the West as day is done.
Say good-bye to earths trials and tribulations,
let your spirit smile be that of infinite jubilation.
Soar to the Heaven’s and spread your wings,
Listen, listen to God’s Angels as they joyously sing.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: Sept. 5/2014

Hello World…May I have a moment please?
Three of my poetry books are now published on the Kindle through
Amazon. Journey Of The Soul..Above The Rain and Conscious
Revelation. If you do not have a kindle device, you can download the
kindle device to your PC, free of charge, a gift from Amazon. After
downloading the device, you can purchase my books and begin
your kindle library.
For your enjoyment, I have decided this is one beautiful way to be
able to share an abundance of my inspiration, my encouragement,
and my love of life with all of you at a very affordable low price.
After reading my books, I would so appreciate a few words from you
in a review on Amazon. On the purchase page beneath the books you
will see a review box. Please stop by and leave a word or two.
Thank you friends, I do appreciate all of you.
Tags: Spirituality
Some say age is merely a number,
perhaps your mind will tell it true.
Age is simply the way you
think of you.
If you stop dreaming and forging
ahead, stop reaching out, wanting
to sing a brand new song.
If you stop looking at all the beauty
God gives, and your enthusiasm lacks
in the life you live. Perhaps you can
call yourself old.
But if you dream and continually set
goals, take all the love and let it
beautifully unfold. Embrace new
friendships with open arms, hugs and
kisses delight with charm.
No matter what the year, your birthday
brings, nor what songs you choose to
sing. The light of youth will remain, it’s
true, and all will see that light coming
from you.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: July 22/2014
Tags: Poems by: Melvina Germain

The image above is one of my portrait drawings of a good friend…Gord Barge, a local Calgary musician. His band consists of Gord, his wife Jody, a wonderful lady with a beautiful smile and very talented, his children and some friends. His family band has entertained many in this city and that down home wonderful music delights an audience.
Man… (Always in progress)
Man you’ve managed to rule the world, some deem your purpose to be cruel, to flaunt that grand old image, of a King yet many act like fools. We hear of atrocities under the umbrella of vile and mean. These are not the men who sit at our tables and dine with peace in mind. These are not the men who shakes the hands of our neighbors next door or picks the children up from school. No these are the worst of society who give good men burdens to bear and are definitely exceptions to the rule.
You stand in the valley of great expectations, we want all we can gather from you.
Perhaps the pressure becomes so fierce, you don’t know what to do. Those of you who try and try again, your persistence ought to be of benefit. When patience does not favor you and bricks come flying your way, a smart man builds a wall of protection to keep the enemy at bay.
God has not forgotten you, you’re one of his second sons. God is love, give him his due, all the glory,belongs to Him. O you are a sinner, every man and woman bears that woe, but God will not forsake you…let your love continue to grow.
The marvelous sperm in which you bear helps to beget proud miracles of earth
but often crude words you will hear, a donor is your only worth. How crude, how
shameful words can be, I’m sure God’s tears are falling too. You are a Blessing upon this earth and I know God is so proud of you.
Man, you are the powerful, a warrior is what you must be,take this gun, go out and fight,
bring back prosperity. Rob the meek, take their land, use that heavy hand. Manipulate with false promises and crush their every plan. When all is said and done and your body falls to wear. Those who hired you for their dirty deed, no voices do you hear. Your mind disfigured, you heart ripped apart, perhaps a limb severed, one or two. PTSD becomes the norm, after all no one on at the helm could give a damn, there are many to use up like you. Puppets stand erect and salute, yes many puppets walk the plank as they fall into that pot of muddy soup, while the demon oversees the land.
O man, sometimes you are handed the rawest of all deals where a female judge towers over you. Taking your offspring so far away, in a place you will never be. These women of the highest rank, much venom harbored within, and the pain they felt in yesteryear becomes your dagger of someone else’s sin. Years of sadness begets your heart, years of tears hidden behind closed doors. No one knows of your suffrage and think you are made of cold cement and steal. The Masandrist who holds the gavel laughs, man you can not win, thislife is real.
Man my heart goes out to you, what do our little boys have to look forward to. We teach them such foolish nonsense, beginning with pink and blue. Destroying their minds at best, yet we feel when adult hood is present,these men must past the test.
Some who have become professionals, on that pedestal we place you, yes we do. The truth sometimes unveils itself and a little boy is standing there. Awaiting a few words from Mom or Dad, dear boy, I’m so proud of you. After hours shows the picture, that
lack of love comes forth you see, private schools is whereyou’ll go, private schools is where you’ll be. Mom and Dad must travel to many places in the world, there is so much to see. Celebrate, celebrate, you’ve made it to the top. Clinking of glasses and an abundance of spirits flow. Hidden in a glass of Southern Comfort, now this is what you know.
The hard working men, there are quite a few, driving rigs from city to city, or perhaps sitting in big old cats ripping up the earth to build. Digging holds with vibrating bodies, construction is where it’s at. Lining buildings with installation or climbing high in the cold of winters wrath. In the end, blood pressure rises, livers cooked like stew, hearts beating like old drums and lungs disfigured from a smokers doom. Lost lives come so unexpected, lost lives of wives who washed clothes for you. Dead from Asbestosis a gift daddy brought home, it’s true.
Man this world is yours, or at least that’s what they say,but when truth begins to unfold, only a few reaps the day. We judge you fiercely if truth were to be told, so much you hide within. Some forget that you can be violated, molestation is still a sin. Some daddy’s teach you wrongly and tell you rape by a female is a Blessings game. Truth is, she’s a pedophile and has stained your precious mind. Feelings will betray you with confusion so unkind. I look at you and the tears fall, such beautiful but saddened eyes, don’t wear a false charade for me…tell the truth…be gone with all false pride.
O man, some of you are envied souls, you walk smooth upon this land. Those who are Blessed to make your acquaintance, love to hold your caring hand. You are the positive, the energetic being who love the world in which we live. You believe without a doubt, we are all a part of the human race. No color begets your mind, no gender separation comes forth. Judge not are words that come from you, judge not and show you care. We are Blessed, O yes, we are Blessed, we are Blessed to have you here.
Relationships can be your doom, no female can think like you. Our differences are apparent, for that reason, words we holler and frustration takes its toll. You stand often with your head held down as your body turns on you and though your heart feels oh so bad, your mind tells you what to do. Man to the female you are complicated as her emotions run the storm… and you… well, yes it’s good,once satisfaction has been reborn. To some, control is the downfall and discreet is not your middle name, but many,yes many, merely want peace and honesty just the same.
When old age sets in, oh man, I feel for you. On your deathbed, you might scream O God,what did I do. The tears drain from your eyes, the words of so many regrets. Know within your heart, if someone you love is standing by your side, you did something right on this earth and only good will abide.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Tags: Uncategorized

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Viola (Davis) Desmond was a Halifax Business Woman, Beautician, Teacher and Entrepreneur who Awakened Nova Scotia to Human Rights in 1946.
Viola Desmond
The Davis family played an active part of Halifax Black society and, being born into in that family in 1914, Viola saw something that Black women wanted and needed in Nova Scotia. She observed the lack of professional Hair and skin care for Blacks. That was an entrepreneurial opportunity gap that she determined to fill. To do this, she ventured to New York’s Lalia College which had grown out of Madam C.J. Walker’s beauty business. Viola understood Walker’s business model – Don’t just build a business, build an industry. Today we would recognize that as “vertical integration”.
Viola (Davis) Desmond plotted her personal path to success by
Gaining professional training that was not available at home
Developing her own line of specialized beauty products
Using her products in her own studio
Empowering other Black women to start beauty culture businesses
Selling her product through the businesses started by her students
By 1946 she was proving the value of her formula and business was good. The Desmond Studio of Beauty Culture and the Desmond School of Beauty Culture were going strong and her network was expanding as she built an industry with her graduates. She created a province-wide Black Beauty Culture industry.
Viola Desmond was a leader in many ways:
She was a living positive successful Role Model for Black Women
Her graduates learned to operate business
Young girls proudly admired her stylish sense of presence
At a time when few women owned and operated independent business, she was admired as being truly outstanding.
Her eager graduates began their own careers and joined the distribution network for Viola Desmond’s brand of beauty products.
So it was on November 8, 1946 that she was on the road delivering product to out of town studios. Car trouble forced her to have idle time in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia so she took in a movie. The Roseland Theater that she entered had a racist practice restricting Blacks to sit in the balcony. Viola sat down stairs and when asked to move refused to go to the balcony.
For that refusal, she was ejected from the theater, arrested by the New Glasgow police, locked over night in the New Glasgow jail, charged, found guilty and sentenced in the New Glasgow court. She was found guilty of defrauding the government of the 1 cent difference in the 3 cent tax in a downstairs ticket and the 2 cents tax in a balcony ticket. She paid the fine plus costs and left New Glasgow.
When she returned to Halifax, the newly formed Nova Scotia Association for the Advancement of Colored People encouraged her to fight to overturn that malicious conviction. Unfortunately, the appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada was unsuccessful. The 1946 conviction remained on her record.
Viola Desmond had been denied the protection that one expects from the police, the prosecutors, the judges and the courts. Eventually, she left her business, left Nova Scotia and left Canada. Her 1965 death occurred in New York City.
In 2010, sixty-four years after the fact, the government of Nova Scotia apologized to Viola Desmond’s remaining family and acknowledged the integrity, strength and bravery of her action defending human rights. In 2012, Canada Post issued a Canadian postage stamp commemorating her stand for justice.
For decades, Viola Desmond’s ordeal inspired the emergence of Human rights legislation and fair accommodation laws throughout Canada during the 1950s and 1960s. The loss of Viola as a dynamic business role model has denied generations of Black entrepreneurs of her inspiration in that field. Today Black Business entrepreneurs still feel frustration and resistance.
Canada celebrates her strength of character in defying social injustice in 1946 Nova Scotia. As Dr. Martin Luther King Junior wrote in 1963, “…injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”. For that, Viola (Davis) Desmond remains a role model and source of pride for African-Canadians.
Tags: Special Women of the World
You might have a string of these types of friends, they’re called fair-weather friends. O you will enjoy some marvellous times together, when the money is flowing. When laughter beams and money is coming out of your pocket but don’t hold your breath waiting for reciprocation, you’ll wait a long, long time.
You see your fair-weather friend will never stand up for you, they’ll walk away, turn a blind eye and let you know, there is nothing they can do. Fair-weather friends never recall situations when they can solve an issue for you, denial and forgetfulness comes immediately into play…(I’m sorry, I don’t remember what happened that day).
Beware… these so called friends can land you in jail. Silence in the absence of truth can be the testimony that closes bars on you. These capricious, disloyal friends will walk away from you cool and proud, on to the next person who has more to offer. They will let you know in an instant how unimportant to them you truly are when someone who shines brighter in the pocket of silver and gold. [Read more →]
Tags: Poems by: Melvina Germain · Spirituality
Hello World…May I have a moment please?
Three of my poetry books are now published on the Kindle through
Amazon. Journey Of The Soul..Above The Rain and Conscious
Revelation. If you do not have a kindle device, you can download the
kindle device to your PC, free of charge, a gift from Amazon. After
downloading the device, you can purchase my books and begin
your kindle library.
For your enjoyment, I have decided this is one beautiful way to be
able to share an abundance of my inspiration, my encouragement,
and my love of life with all of you and a very affordable low price.
After reading my books, I would so appreciate a few words from you
in a review on Amazon. On the purchase page beneath the books you
will see a review box. Please stop by and leave a word or two.
Thank you friends, I do appreciate all of you.
A Nightmarish Event…..(My experience at a cold hospital location)
11:26pm, I arrived home moments ago…the ending of very strange and eventful day. I was asked to write a poem for a very sweet lady, someone I care for deeply. She looked at me the other day in the hospital and said, can you write a poem about me, you know my life. I immediately answered, yes of course, I’ll do that for you.
I started that poem a couple of days later and wrote three stanza’s, not my usual way to write, I usually finish what I start but I had some questions, I wanted answered about her first. Two days later the poem was ready and in early morning I drove to Staples to have it laminated after pasting one of my favorite red roses on it.
I wanted the poem delivered today as her operation is booked for tomorrow and I wanted her to read it prior to the operation. I was pleased with the outcome and hoped she would like it. My friend was the driver and we headed out in rush hour to drive across the city in the grueling heat of a car with no air conditioning. Crazy drivers going in and out of lanes, the slamming of breaks, loud screeching noises on the way. It was unnerving to say the least. My eyes were like saucers, though I kept my calm as not to upset my friend and make things worse.
We finally exit Deerfoot Trail and head toward the hospital, a huge, beautiful building on the outside with its very artistic flare and in my favorite colors of blues. What a delightful building I remarked and my friend shook her head in agreement. We entered underground and for the first time, I felt quite uneasy, as if we were entering a tunnel of doom. I didn’t like how I felt at all…she kept driving through open parking spots and I wondered why, girl just park this dang car, I’m thinking. Finally she stopped the car and I looked at the car next to me and there were two men peering into our car. Why did she park here…still I’m calm but concerned as most women would be…they drove off and we began to take that long walk to the
Upon entering the building, I had a rather eerie feeling and remarked, I don’t like this place. Long corridors, seemed unending, everywhere we looked, there were large doors. You had to swipe the black square in order for the door to open, ok no big deal there. We walked so far and then it dawned on me, we left the poem in the car. I stopped and exclaimed, oh nooo and my friend immediately turned around and said “the poem”. She told me to sit on one of the cold, uninviting couches and wait for her, placing her purse beside me, she got on the elevator. A long while later, she returned and had gotten lost looking for her car.
We once again began to walk toward the elevators and entered one, there were a set of three, we took the one on the far right. After the doors closed, we experienced a rather pungent odor, it was horrendous and I knew, it was the scent of “death”…Oh my imagination began to soar, where the heck are we. The doors opened and a man dressed like a doctor walked on, well that certainly seemed normal. My friend noticed there was no floor number three and she was concerned. She asked him, excuse me, can you tell me why there isn’t a floor number three. He looked at her with a blank look on his face and then began to purse his lips, pushed his chin forward and shook his head while saying, I don’t know, I never take these elevators and now he’s outwardly laughing and still shaking his head. He arrived at his floor and walked off, while my friend was still trying to talk to him. He turned again and stared with that fiend kind of look and let out a rather hairy sound of laughter and quickly walked away. I looked at my friend in dismay, she raised her hands, not knowing what to do.
In seconds, we arrived at another floor and a very tall, blond lady walked on. I stood by her side, she had a rather stern look on her face and my friend questioned her as well. I’m growing more nervous by the second and I’m questioning where are we, what have we gotten ourselves into. I think we have crossed over but when. We arrived I thought safely at the hospital with no accident so what happened, are we still on earth. She gazed at me when I dared to laugh with that nervous tension building up inside, my throat dry and my lips sticking to my tongue, I’m getting scared now. You don’t belong here she remarked, you are not allowed on these elevators. I asked her, are we really here, she continued to gaze at me. You need to get off of these elevators, do you understand, you don’t belong here. At that point, I knew I didn’t want to ask about the horrid stench. I knew then we were beside the morgue and the odor was formaldehyde. I didn’t need to be told twice, I wanted off “NOW”…She was wraithlike, I knew she was dead and roaming the hospital intimidating the visitors. Who let her out, I know they’re looking for her. We got off the elevators and I wanted away from this
vampirish woman. My friend kept getting directions from her and I kept saying thank you and bowing my head while walking backward.
We didn’t listen to a word she said, we continued to wander looking for the proper elevators. Finally the receptionist decided to acknowledge that we were standing in front of her needing help. She looked like she needed a blood transfusion. I stepped back and wanted to run out of that hospital, but I had to deliver the poem. My heart is racing and I’m asking myself, did you take your blood pressure pills today. Yes I remembered taking them, we are now on the correct elevators, deep breath. We’re both bemused as we arrive at floor number three. Off we go and ask for the room number of the patient. The receptionist seemed a little off but finally was able to direct us through the huge set of doors. My friend cautions me to wash my hands again and I go through the motions, weary, scared and tired after such a long, long walk.
Finally we find the cubby hole with three walls and no windows, where our beautiful patient is sitting on the bed, distraught with saddened eyes. She explains the horror she feels inside and can’t stop talking about her discontent. After several moments, I decide, it’s a good time to present her with the poem which took over an hour to get through the hospital into her hands. She focused on the poem and I felt like a school girl waiting for my marks after an important test. But what took place, shocked me, she began to weep, I looked over at my friend who was sitting on the other side and called her name, wanting her to act, do something I thought. My friend stood up and tried to softly talk to her, she placed the poem in front of her, took her glasses off and apologized to me, explaining how horrible she feels in there and the tears were falling and falling while she kept trying to wipe them away. I didn’t know what to say, she cried awhile , then put her glasses back on and finished reading the poem. She then beckoned me over and hugged me and kissed my cheek, thanking me for her release. She said the poem gave her the release she needed to make her feel better about the situation she was in. I knew then why I had that urgent feeling of getting it to her.
My friend mentioned the obstacles we went through while trying to bring the poem to her. I realized it too and knew we made it through some unknown darkness, but still, many questions are at hand. Who wanted to detain us and why, we left after hugs and kisses and ended up in a forbidden area, walking every which way and couldn’t find an exit. A loud voice asked, what are you doing here, are you lost. We turned and saw a heavy set gentleman standing with his hands on his waist. How did you get in here, he asked and my quit witted friend answered, I swiped my hand over the box and the door opened. With a harsh voice he explained how to leave the hospital. His eyes were mysterious, a ghastly individual. He didn’t resemble a hospital person at all. I think his day job might revolve around collecting items for sale at a rather grim location, indeed he reminds me of mungo person, having the characteristics of a real jerk.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: July 16/2014
Tags: Spirituality

Happy New Year Folks
Now we come to another year end, yes 2014 is on the way out, seems like yesterday when we said good-bye to the horrid year of 2013. Well, it rode the wind and 2014 covered some of the blows for many and opened new wounds for some as well. If you did not reach your goals or see your dreams unfold, don’t worry, with patience comes much and perhaps in 2015, you’ll have that certain touch that will bring every dream to fruition and every goal you’ll attain.
Remember when we keep on working, keep plugging away, it may seem redundant but we are slowly opening doors, eyes are watching and people are talking, some in very positive ways. Like the blast of a firecracker, we hear the whistle blow and it’s our turn to glow. Just when you think all is lost and you are about to give up, the telephone might ring, or a letter comes in the mail or something miraculous takes place in your bank account and you stand in awe. Don’t give up in 2015, keep on moving forward and know what you are working for will come to be.
We are the miracles of this earth and within us we house many treasures. Many candles await lighting. The Universe is vast and so wide open ready to give us what we need and want. God our Master being is listening and His son walks right beside us. We only need to thrash the negativity and seek the beauty of a positive light. We can learn how to rid ourselves of the word “should” the negative and replace it with the words “will and do” the positives and watch your dreams and goals come true. We are what we think, it’s merely a matter of believing in ourselves, realizing our power within, knowing we have been abundantly given gifts, some of which we are yet to unfold.With an open mind and a beautiful heart we are about to board a new train and take a trip on the bright side of life. Introduce yourself to the new you this year in 2015 and take all that you want… it is there waiting for you. Your gifts, your treasures, your goals and dreams, they are yours.
Well once again, I say the words of Les Brown, you never know what is on the road ahead. Soon you will hear the whistle blow, see the firecracker explode, watch the stars as they glisten and settle in that place of tranquility. Don’t be afraid to take “one more step”, it may be the step that opens every door that appeared closed to you. Enjoy your year of 2015 folks and bask in that positive sea. Pray and be thankful, a brand new year is opening for you and yes for me. Happy New Year everyone. Love is the answer and remember to pay it forward, with much love, I pen these words for you…Melvina Germain….
Tags: Happy New Year 2015

To My Sisters (September 8, 2014 at 4:54am)
It is 4:07am, well I was hoping to sleep a wee bit longer but it is what it is. I woke with a beautiful young lady on my mind. I met this beauty yesterday, tall, Black and gorgeous. I admired her looks, her smile and her fabulous ebony skin. She carried herself with confidence and that brought a smile to my face. Her image is bold within my mind right now. I also met a very vibrant and O so friendly Latino lady, we chatted only a moment or two, I felt Blessed to have those moments with her. Moments later, a very pretty tall blonde woman in red walked by in her amazing high heel shoes and I stopped her for a hug, she was lovely. Another woman took my eye and we gazed at each other for a few seconds, I told her, she was beautiful and she reached up to my ear and told me the same. We spoke for awhile about how women should continually support each other and we both agreed that we need to work on that a lot and get over this jealousy some have within them. I’m uplifting all of these ladies in prayer this morning.
I went about my business, chatting with many people there, men and women. My friend wanted to sit at a table to eat, they were all taken but a young lady saw us looking and caught my eye and she gestured for us to join her. Moments later I observed her reading a most beautiful piece of writing and I listened to some of the words about our friend Orunamamu. Later she was leaving and I called out to her and told her I didn’t want to lose touch with her, and gave her my business card. I hope she will be in touch at some point.
I’m calling out to my sisters this morning, give your sisters support. Give them that pat on the back, a shake of the hand or a beautiful hug. We all have our attributes, strengths, dreams, goals and so on. We all have our own suffering, we share a general fear as our physical strength is not the same as some of the male brutes in society. Most of us share that marvelous ability to create and to bring forth the miracles of this world, we are amazing beings and we need to walk and be proud of the Queens that we are. Instead of wasting precious time with jealousy in our hearts, longing to look in ways that we can’t, we simply must realize, we are all beautiful in our own way. Admiration, love, respect and compassion goes a long way and what we gather from that, takes us to a higher level. We will be happy in every stage of our life if we make the effort to become the best that we can be. Support your sisters, be happy for them.
You know life has its curves and I’ve said many times prior, you never know where the road ahead will take you. With a clear mind, emptied of darkness, that road won’t make the wrong turns but when a person delves into the depth of darkness, the mind is marred and bad decisions take hold. Be well within yourself and love yourself enough to take great care of “you” so you can walk with your eyes wide open, then only good will await you down that road. Continue to do the things that you need to do with love in your heart, in order to get to the place where you want to be.
A wise gentleman said to me the other day, women are as beautiful as they want to be. I find that a remarkable statement, we create our own masterpiece. On the outside, we can sculpt our bodies to the best of our potential and on the inside we can build strong minds, a beautiful heart and a loving and soothing soul.
Love to all of you this morning my sisters, I love you, respect you and wish you well on your journey of life.
Melvina Germain
To My Sisters (July 13, 2014 at 7:59am)
Good Morning , Good Afternoon, Good Evening, once again I come to you with
my personal thoughts. This is somewhat troubling to me…A woman for whatever
reason has become what many refer to as a crack head. She is addicted and has
remarked…This drug has the better of me, I can’t let it go no matter what I do.
She becomes weary and yes eyebrows raised, the judgement throwers were in
full bloom, tossing daggers, hurling slurs and waving that proverbial finger.
No one asked the question, why? What happened to this young women that
made her turn for substance help. How would her life have changed if the right
people intervened perhaps when she was reaching out. How was she missed
and who could have uplifted her. Well lo and behold an Angel came forth who
would not leave the side of this young woman and walked with her through the
streets of Calgary, was there when she took her fix, was there when she broke
down crying, was there when she brought an unwanted babe into the world
and then a second unwanted babe. It was a long, long journey and yet this
person would not leave her side.
One day, the young woman announced, it’s time for me, I know I can make it.
She had a revelation and her Angel held her hand tight and helped her to make
that transition. She walked through the doors of rehab some three years later
after having met her Angel. She was smothered with love from a few who
told her she was a “strong woman” for doing what she did. She vowed she would
do as her Angel did and help others. She made it through and cleaned up her
life and began the process of helping others.
Unfortunately not everyone agreed that this woman was a “strong woman”. No
the judgement began, all her past was brought forth, every darkness one could
find was used against her, trying to tear her down instead of uplifting her. The
jealous bones were hard at work and the piercing eyes of those who call
themselves sisters had become her enemies. They couldn’t stand the fact that
this drug addict now had a voice and a strong voice at that. The flame throwers
were burning with hate. I observed this thrashing and pondered on this new
struggle coming forth for this young woman.
I sat in silence, retreating within, questioning. To be a strong woman, do we
have to be raped, beaten, mutilated by losing our limbs, or having our face
slashed off, must we be literally slashed in the back with an axe. Make it
through such abuse and pain and only then will we be considered “strong women”.
Is that so, do we have to be tortured, come through it, making it back where
we can live again and that my friends will deem us “strong” in the eyes of the
world. Suffrage has become our greatness, ok so without being tortured almost
to death, we then can not obtain the consideration of strength. Beating an
addiction would not be considered strong in the minds of many but rather weak.
After all as many would say, she did that to herself, you know many meaning
those perfect individuals who view from the highest pedestal. Those who make
no mistakes or at least have not shared such.
Could it be, in order for anyone to respect your strength as a “strong woman” you
must first, lay down in “pain”.
Allow me to take the first jab, so I can see you bleed, get on your knees and I
will crown you “WOMAN” Violence against women is “EPIC” there’s a word that
is overused as of late but so true.
Teaching our young girls in the beginning of their lives, hiding no truths but
painting a very clear picture of this world and the expectations of others. Letting
them know how powerful they are, what they have to offer, how beautiful, how
strong, how good and proud we are of them. All of this, will help them create
a very strong and stable foundation and it all has to happen with “Love”. We
can’t demean them, speak against them or speak against those who bore them,
but we continually through their journey in this life, continue to uplift them.
We do not have to suffer to be strong but we do have to acknowledge the
strength in those woman who have suffered and we also acknowledge the
strength in those who make it back from addiction. We can not come together,
work together, if we do not embrace each other as women, love and want to
support each other, no matter what we have gone through in our lives. Those
who have privilege still have much to offer as well and we need to know that we
can benefit from every woman who wants to make a difference in this world.
Age, color is of no consequence, everybody has a voice.
These are my personal thoughts, I’m not opening a huge debate but rather
sharing my own views. Feel free to share yours without rebuttal from me.
Once again…Take what you can use and leave the rest…Melvina…..
Tags: To My Sisters