Sketches by: Melvina Germain
Top left to right: Grady Champion, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Chanel & Toor and Gord Barge.
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Sketches by: Melvina Germain
Top left to right: Grady Champion, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Chanel & Toor and Gord Barge.
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Murderous demons
rip thy flesh as night dwindles
decay not thy soul
Emptiness finds me,
fragile, sullen, sorrowful,
rigid cold as ice.
the caterpillar,
has not yet seen the days end,
be patient my friend.
Icedrops, lollypops,
suckers, caramel candy,
all come in handy
No light in this house
stop standing there looking lost
go get the light bulb
You were on my land,
yet ye dared not shake my hand,
you crawled!from what rock?
He was dressed to kill.
so smooth looking, debonair
O! a funeral?
I’m from the Pier dear,
your accent gives you away,
how about a beer.
Try and try again,
failure wrote upon his soul.
Lincoln succeeded.
Hanging creapy skin,
years were ugly and sinful.
Karma be thy wrath.
Lack of money kills,
while financial wizards rule.
Rockefeller lives.
Quite a conundrum,
resources fill Africa.
Its people die poor.
Jamal raps uptown,
but at night, they send him home.
No coins in his jeans.
Trouble was his name.
Dad said, don’t call him Tyrone.
He’s a doctor now.
What’s for supper Mom,
chicken and black eye peas please.
Nope! not tonight dear.
on receiving your degree.
Where did you attend?
A white woman stands,
but her children tells the truth.
History unfolds.
Ray Charles sang the blues,
became clean, rose to the top.
Memories live on.
Billy Holiday,
took out a patch of her hair.
Gardenia’s are hot
Mellifulous moves,
her soothing voice, so tender.
Such beauty of song.
Her destiny died,
when blood sucking machines lived.
Vicky’s life regressed.
Together in peace,
tintinnabulation sings,
as the church bell rings.
Wade in the water.
Quiet by the riverbed,
no scent fills the air.
No rituals here,
yet large saucers take my lobes.
I’m lost, who am I?
If I change my hair,
I can wear a mask to school.
No, I’d be a fool.
Haiku’s by: Melvina Germain
© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)
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Three Kindle books available @ Amazon in the Kindle store
(Journey Of The Soul)
(Above The Rain)
(Conscious Revelation)
Selling at $3.36 & $3.81, selling all over the world
Bio of Melvina Germain
Diversity is the diamond chip of poetic success. Melvina Germain, born in
Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada validates and exemplifies that. Her perpetual passion
and yen broadening her literary scope has enabled her to establish
herself as a solid Multi Style Poet.
Melvina excels in her performance of Spoken Word poetry and also embraces
the heartfelt situations needed to offer condolences and share words of
sympathy and compassion to grieving families as a eulogist.
List of what Melvina has to offer:
– Perform her own personally written SpokenWord pieces on a diverse collection of subjects.
– Poetry On Demand…Will write for you
– Weddings…Words to the Bride/Groom/toasts etc. etc.
– Elegies…poems of loss/funeral reading
– Arrange and conduct an informal Celebration Of Life
Melvina’s Passion is words…Call to discuss your needs…587-968-0194
HANDWRITTEN SIGNED POEMS…Order your very own, handwritten poems by Melvina Germain
Short $5.00 Medium $10.00 and Long $15.00
Spoken Word Pieces…$25.00 each
Honorariums…Paid prior to stage time
Poetry on demand…average cost .25 per word
Celebration Of Life…Day rate $250.00 includes M/C Poetry reading etc.
To have a vivid idea of what Melvina can do, please visit her facebook page.
SpokenWord Artist/Melvina Germain…Link to follow:
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Poet…Melvina Germain
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Hello World…May I have a moment please?
Three of my poetry books are now published on the Kindle through
Amazon. Journey Of The Soul..Above The Rain and Conscious
Revelation. If you do not have a kindle device, you can download the
kindle device to your PC, free of charge, a gift from Amazon. After
downloading the device, you can purchase my books and begin
your kindle library.
For your enjoyment, I have decided this is one beautiful way to be
able to share an abundance of my inspiration, my encouragement,
and my love of life with all of you at a very affordable low price.
After reading my books, I would so appreciate a few words from you
in a review on Amazon. On the purchase page beneath the books you
will see a review box. Please stop by and leave a word or two.
Thank you friends, I do appreciate all of you.
Beast Of War (A Minuet Poem)
Now the time has come
before the war begins.
Teach your children well,
spare them not your words.
The enemy comes from hell,
and evil spreads the wind.
Written by: Melvina Germain
O this beast and its racist self
pushes hard with deathly lead.
Blasts of fire through flesh and bone,
leaving heartbroken families to grieve alone.
But the beast has finally met its match;
as Ferguson’s people retort and scream.
We’ll take no more of this dark, violent dream.
Whilst tension builds and builds it must,
though calls for peace rest in a fiery pool.
The rage that brothers and sisters held long inside,
has reached the pinnacle of retaliations doom.
Will the streets soon fill with black and white blood,
and body bags in gutters strewn,
or will the pawns of justice fight, or
stand back from battle and do what’s right.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: August 19/2014
Sounds of Thunder………(Michael you rest in my heart)
Over the threshold
you placed your foot.
Took a deep breath
thinking you made it through.
But six bullets pierced your body,
an innocent fellow such as you.
August 20/2014
Shhhhh… Listen to your morning song
Where does peace begin,
but in our heart and soul.
Where love and compassion abides,
and Blessings of God behold.
Tis not the power of the beast,
whose last words we will hear,
but that simmering spiritual tone,
resonating everywhere.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: Aug. 20/2014
And I Weep Again
Enraged we stand in this broken country
still living an old brown paper bag blues.
While newsprint vividly tells the story but
you might not find it on the midnight news.
And I weep again, I weep for all… my brothers
and sisters, I weep for thee.
We’ve lost another and yet another. Bodies
of young Black males fall to their death.
The Black man’s future is fading fast. Whilst
we stand by with heartfelt pain, acts of
supremacy rises high again.
And I weep again before we fall, reaching
out for peace and serenity.
A shield of armed men standing strong, a
military squad it seems. Ready to pull that
deadly trigger and rip hope from a Black
man’s dreams.
And I weep again in this land of the free,
O God, they forgot about me.
Swing low, sweet chariot, take me home to
paradise where my soul roams free. God’s
spiritual place awaiting all humanity. After
our blood spills, we soar the Heavens away
from life’s earthy travesty.
And I weep again, for family and friends, Lord
what will become of thee.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: August 14/2014
Devil ….. (Phase 2…revised for SpokenWord)
We speak about the devil, a supernatural being.
Sanctimonious brutes shovel its name around,
blaming that old devil for their dirty regret.
Was this an Angel hurled from the Heavens,
tossed to the ground.
An invisible creature with hoofs and beast like
features, this incorporeal figment created
by writers, believers and perhaps men of the cloth.
Images so famous in big money movie deals,
Ahhh you bet, everybody want’s the devil to be real.
Was it an Angel I asked, hurled from the Heavens
or a conjured up invisible spirit who reside within.
How much power can a demon receive, or has it
been created mainly to deceive. A gender we denote,
It must me man or wo. But this dirty little creep is no
woman I want you to know.
We don’t bear evil within our wombs. Clean minds,
hearts and souls are birthed upon this earth. It is those
who worship the devil that try to steal our worth. Hail
to the Heavens, Hail to the rockets in the sky Hail to bullets
and to Satan’s passer’s by. To this seemingly spirit of
the darkest cloak, its rapturous deeds carry no jokes.
In this messed up world of dysfunctional families,
Murderers who hurl cannons, and fire bombs.
All who pull triggers take a part in such woe
Let me give you a few of our fallen victims names. In ,
Canada, Marlene Bird fought the demon in a Walmart ,
parking lot she lost part of her face, burnt from the waist,
down..her legs, amputated, yes, this is true…right here in
Canada, the beast of evil is not new.
Throughout this country, aboriginal women disappear.
no outrage, no outrage do we hear.. justice is not served
as loved ones remain enraged.. no body, no investigation,
perhaps they’ll rot in an unknown grave.
O this is Canada, the land of the free, let me remind you,
that’s what its suppose to be…
As of late, the future of a Black man’s dream falls to
the death by hands of racist beings, unrest.It seems the
crime committed by young Black males be it, the color of
their skin that lands them in jail.
O no don’t forget Trayvon Martin, his future, his family
will never see…Michael Brown, six bullets took his life,
a victim of police brutality. O Eric Garner, he died weeks
ago as he pleaded…I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe, the
enemy turned their backs and death took him home. O
police in America, evil knows your name.
The masterminds of war,
The murderers of children,
The rape of woman, man and child.
All share the label
Devil…devil…devil… yes…
demonic tastes, harrowed minds,
barbaric torture of meek mankind.
You are the devil who reap such horror,
you are the scum who creeps the earth,
you are the river of bloods disdain,
you cause the tears of a parent’s pain.
Give the devil its own true place
behind that false tongue,
behind that smiling face.
Where does the devil live,
I dare say its true,
that blood thirsty enemy lives within you.
You who harbor a plethora of hate,
for the incarnate, you need not look far.
It resides in you, in your place of work,
In your beautiful garden filled with lilies in bloom.
O but that thorn that keeps stabbing you in the back,
such thorns follow in your tracks.
no mellifluous path doth thou bear,
no murmuring sound wilt thou hear,
no goodness shall come from lips of the cruel,
no resplendent sun shall fill your room.
A devils presence sinks low to doom.
Written by: MelvinaGermain
God’s Wing…(A Minuet Poem)
Their will come a day
We’ll all stand together
O it may not be tomorrow
Or even next spring
But tis a joy to look forward to
When we shed our darkness
and stay in comfort
Under God’s wing
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: Aug. 20/2014
One last poem perhaps… for Michael, unless of course, God sends me more…..
Shhhhh…Listen to your night song
This curtain closes to earth’s blanket of woe,
your name on our lips, everyone knows.
We say good-bye to a bright young soul,
and pray for peace in the world as a whole.
God’s enormous arms will embrace you with love,
while you’re surrounded by Heaven’s Angels above.
Good-bye sweet brother, your name remains,
you’re gone far too soon, may we right your name.
Let your light illuminate from the brightest star,
as your spiritual body sheds all earthy scars.
Good Night Michael
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: August 25/2014
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My Tribute to Dr. Maya Angelou
She painted the world beautifully with her presence,
her expressions, her tenacity and her love of people, her
respect for all things and her hearts desire for peace. She
educated us so we would learn the truth of long ago and
she was gifted and respected by her peers and those who
stood in awe.
She rose to the occasion in rooms of high caliber, touching
The hearts of leaders who basked in the words she shared.
A wordsmith through and through, a sheer delight if you’ve ever
heard. Her voice was paralyzing and embraced you with
warmth, love and truth.
Dazzled was an audience with her memory, voice and
demeanor. Blessed were we who sat intently listening.
An amazing human being was sharing velvet words and we
were the receiver of some of the best we’ve ever heard.
A mentor, an inspiration, a motivator to many people like
me. What she wrote is what she was and in truth, exactly
what she did…”Still I Rise”, we can relate but Maya surely
walked that walk and walked it well.
Maya Angelou has given heart and soul to a cold pen.
She scribed words to go down through generations,
words that will never see an end. An infinite blessing
flows the pages in libraries, on kitchen tables and the
quiet of a readers den.
She was a Mother, a Grandmother and a friend, perhaps
to many she did not know. Maya was the reason many
females came to understand the truth. When she wrote
“Phenomenal woman”, huge eyes opened O so wide. A
Blessing,poured upon us as we sat and read with
My heart is hurt, my eyes are red from tears that won’t
stop spilling. I know it’s time for Maya to rest as she
did her job well. A bombastic pouring of words, O yes
bigger than one can imagine, She touched Presidents
and many leaders of great magnitude. She comforted
the rich and the poor. Maya made it through many a
closed door.
Maya, you will not be forgotten, a nation knows your
name and for the few who question, don’t worry, there’s
many to set them straight. You walk quietly and give us
a glance and final wave. And as you softly close the
door behind you and open Heaven’s gate. Know that we
will always find you in the abundance of your words.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: May 28/2014
Below is a review written by “Fresh Start 7″…
Dr. Maya Angelou was born the same year as my Dad – 1928 – which makes her very special to me.At this writing, she passed away on May 28, 2014 at the age of 86.
It is impossible to describe her in one word, since she carries many names: “one of the great voices of contemporary literature, poet, educator, historian, best-selling author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer and director”.
This incredible female icon has won several honorary doctorates as well as numerous awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2010, Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album, Langston Hughes Medal and the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Literary Work.
I recently published a tribute to my father, Cuthbert Emmanuel Vincent BEM, and since I am still in remembrance mode, I want to focus on Dr. Maya Angelou’s seven (7) autobiographies, since they hold the key to a collective past that will forever be recorded not only for Dr. Maya Angelou, but for all those who lived in her era and will never have a voice.
Dr. Angelou’s autobiographies, which she wrote between 1969 and 2013, chronicle her life and experiences from 1928 to 2013. That’s 85 years of history! We see them through the eyes of a woman who has travelled the globe and shares her experiences both at home, in the USA, and abroad.
This collection comprises the following 7 autobiographies:
1. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings: covers her life from age 3 through to age 16 (1931 – 1944), when she becomes a teenage mother. Deep seated issues such as “identity, rape, racism, and literacy” are covered within.
2. Gather Together in My Name: treats with the years from 1944 to1948. In summary, it “depicts a single mother’s slide down the social ladder into poverty and crime.”
3. Singin’ and Swingin’ and Gettin’ Merry Like Christmas: She focuses her on life from age 21 to about 27 (1949-1955); her budding entertainment career, her motherhood, her travels to Europe, as well as other general issues about “music, race and conflict”.
4. The Heart of a Woman: covers 5 years in her early 30s (1957-1962).She takes us on her travels with in the US and Africa (Cairo and Ghana), her debut as a published author, her active involvement in the US civil rights movement and her “romantic involvement with a South African freedom fighter.”
5. All God’s Children Need Traveling Shoes: she shares with us life in her late 30s; her life as an expatriate in Accra, Ghana, her struggles as a mother and her grappling with her African ancestry and African-American identity.
6. A Song Flung Up to Heaven: written in 2002 and covering the period 1965 to 1968, “Two “calamitous events” frame the beginning and end of the book – the assassinations of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King and she describes how she dealt with these events and the sweeping changes in both the country [USA] and in her personal life, and how she coped with her return home.” (Wikipedia, A Song Flung Up To Heaven)
7. Mom & Me & Mom: written 2013, I think it really wonderful that she was able to write this final chapter in her own life, just 1 year before her passing. I would say it ‘comes full circle’ because it treats with her source of life, her mother, her resentment towards her for abandoning them as children, her eventual reconciliation with her mother and the help and support she received from her mother in later year with various aspects of her life including her motherhood and career.
What I like best about her autobiographies is that none of her experiences are sugar-coated. She tells “the good, the bad and the ugly” just as it was in every period of her life. So, although some details may make you uncomfortable, for me they do two (2) hugely significant things for all mankind:
1. They keep us all in check, so that we never repeat the atrocities of the past.
2. They remind us to be conscious about how we treat all people, lest one day we become the victims.
It’s not all heavy stuff, though, there are things to smile, chuckle and laugh about as well.
When we in life have been blessed with greatness, in the form of Dr. Maya Angelou, then it is our duty to preserve the memories and pass them on to our children and children’s children etc., so that we never have to read in our history that which was written of the Joseph and the Israelites in the Bible, “Then a new king, who knew nothing about Joseph, came to power in Egypt…and made [the Israelites] lives miserable by forcing them into cruel slavery” (Exodus 1:8).
So keep Dr. Maya Angelou’s words, experiences and her stories from her era alive in your own family and someone else’s family by purchasing a copy of this collection of her seven (7) very powerful autobiographies.
With all that I have said, though, Dr. Maya Angelou says it best, “All my work, my life, everything I do is about survival, not just bare, awful, plodding survival, but survival with grace and faith. While one may encounter many defeats, one must not be defeated.”
Hello World…May I have a moment please?
Three of my poetry books are now published on the Kindle through
Amazon. Journey Of The Soul..Above The Rain and Conscious
Revelation. If you do not have a kindle device, you can download the
kindle device to your PC, free of charge, a gift from Amazon. After
downloading the device, you can purchase my books and begin
your kindle library.
For your enjoyment, I have decided this is one beautiful way to be
able to share an abundance of my inspiration, my encouragement,
and my love of life with all of you at a very affordable low price.
After reading my books, I would so appreciate a few words from you
in a review on Amazon. On the purchase page beneath the books you
will see a review box. Please stop by and leave a word or two.
Thank you friends, I do appreciate all of you.
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Darkness Wins The Battle…..(Death of Robin Williams)
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening…Those in the world who love laughter are in shock over the death of Robin Williams. Many of us had no idea this amazing talent suffered so horribly with that dark and dismal disease of depression. I believe it is one of the least understood, as a matter of fact all mental illness has such a taboo on it, that many of us shy away from those who suffer with it.
Who would have known after viewing such a bubbly, vibrant, vivacious human being, delivering such joy with the most amazing quick wit. Who would think this man is suffering and suffering to the point of taking his own life. I’m in shock myself, I thought I understood this darkness but now I realize it truly is beyond my comprehension. The pain of it is horrible and those who take the stage and have to put forth that blanket of happiness, wearing a mask to hide the pain, it must be even worse.
Coming out onto a stage in front of hundreds of people, projecting a strong voice, embracing that audience and feeling the love from that audience. Perhaps this was a time someone like that feels love…for that few moments they are no longer alone but after exiting the stage doors the darkness quickly returns as something is missing from their lives and they can seem to find that life pill so to speak. Even though we have family love…still something more is missing. The constant feeling of loneliness while people are around us. Many in the world admired and loved Robin Williams, that along with his family’s love and the respect we had for his work but yet that wasn’t enough to keep the darkness from consuming his thoughts. In Robin William’s situation, the darkness won and Robin lost the battle with depression.
So many of us deny our suffering and hide away in our rooms filled with pain inside. We try to deal with it on our own but there comes a time when we have to make a good decision and seek help before its too late. Well we all know about Robin Williams so he apparently did seek help but that help wasn’t enough to keep him here with us. I’m certain the doctor’s gave him the best medication, he certainly could afford it one would think, so why did Robin Williams still find it necessary to kill himself. This is so dismal and so upsetting and extremely scary as to what this darkness can do.
Take care of yourselves, seek help, get in touch with “you”. Whatever you have to do to make yourself feel good about you. We are such precious beings and we can be very strong but yet at the same time extremely fragile. What others see is not always what we truly are and often we lie to ourselves thinking we are that tower of strength. It’s true, people look at us, admire us, think that we are on top of the world and when we turn our backs and walk away, our expression changes, that claw inside begins to grab at us again and the darkness shields the light. We do become consumed and stay in that dark and dreary place. Recognize it and move quickly away from the demon of depression. It appears pills did not work for Robin Williams so we ask the question…what does work?…I wrote a piece on my thoughts in that regard and will share the website with you this morning. I truly believe our help with this demon is far beyond the hands of man….
Robin Williams, may you rest in eternal peace, so sad brother… the world will miss all that you so generously shared with us. God Bless you…Melvina
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Good morning, good afternoon, good evening everyone…
Each morning, a friend from Nigeria always asks me…How is your family…He never speaks to me without asking of my family and I thought of him when I woke this morning and while thinking of his words…How is your family, I pondered on that awhile and a smile became etched upon my face as the words flowed. Let me share with all of you.
My little world of family might be considered dysfunctional. O yes that expectation of perfection have certainly opened the seams of malfunction. But we are as tight as the weave of a net and the light of love shines brighter and brighter and that we’ll never forget.
We explode with jubilation, scream with enthusiasm, rock the house with anticipation, wail with sadness and are blanketed abundantly with love. We withdraw and retreat within with grief, we mellow with our soothing inner voice of comfort and in time we come back with a smile holding hands as we walk another mile. We may not always be together or agree on all things but we respect our little family with love sealed like the circle of a ring…Melvina Germain.
I look into the eyes of innocence and my tears begin to fall. They have no idea what they face in this world, no idea at all. Those tiny little gestures and the light pouring from their eyes, their gentle, little hands and the softest soothing touch. We look at them and smile, O we love them so much. What can we do, to save them all the pain. Our children, our poor, little children, they don’t know what life has in store. What can we do to keep them safe from the darkness of evils door.
Melvina Germain
The roots are there beneath the ground,
It’s something you can’t see,
It holds the branches, leaves and trunks,
That makes the mighty tree.
The roots are there within our hearts,
Though we have now moved far.
We are a family, we’ll stay one,
No matter where we are.
When one was down the others would,
Be there to wipe the tears.
We shared the smiles, we shared the laughs,
And thus we passed the years.
No matter where we go in life,
We’ll share the family line.
The blood that flows within your veins,
That blood is flowing in mine.
Written by: Shabeeh Haider
(18 June, 2014)
It rained
And all four of us
Sat together
Laughing and talking
After what seemed like a lifetime
Two brothers and two sisters
Meeting after a long time
Then mummy put big bowls
Of soupy noodles before us
And it was like
We never grew up
Like we were always together
Eating soupy noodles
And doing our maths
Poking each other under the table
Rains always meant
Hot soupy noodles
Later, over these same big bowls
We have talked of our plans
Shared our dreams
And later still
About where the life was taking us
Now years later
Together again
Under that same roof
With the same fragrant soup
We renew our bond
Feeding each other from our own bowl
Four kids
In four grownup bodies
Under the magic of
mummy’s soupy noodles
Written by: Sunita Jugran
June 18/2014
We are all Family, in Gods’, eyes,
which is no surprise !
He put us all here on this planet,
to share our Love and Lives, together.
We have our Immediate Family, and our Friends,
which are like Family to us.
We all come together as One,
united under,’ His Great Divinity’,upon
this Earth!
He values us all in His worth,
and expects us to do the same, to each other !
Family does not always have to be blood-related,
that story is totally, ill-fated !
We are all here for one another,
and we share, help each other, when we can;
and devote our lives to each other, as Woman and Man !
For each other, we take a firm stand, as we all hold hands,
and cherish the Love, that we have, and give,
to All’, of our Sisters and Brothers !
God’, would have it, no other way !
Our Family and Love, was formed by Gods’, magnificent Grace,
and it shall never be replaced, ever;
by anyone in this Human-Race !
Written by: Pastor Shirley Shaw
June 18/2014
Ron Dubour has written an acrostic poem for us. It’s a form of poetry that I like very much as it
is a bit of a challenge. With an acrostic poem, you choose a topic and use the letters in that topic
to begin each line making sure each line relates to or describes the poem. You will see that Ron’s
poem though lengthy has certainly met the qualifications of a true acrostic. His topic being (There
is no place like home” He begins the first line with the letter “T” and subsequently begins each line
to follow with each letter in the topic…That’s an acrostic poem…Melvina…..
Acrostic style: (Family Poem)
There is no place like Home
There is no place lie home, no truer words we speak.
Home is our foundation, of the lessons that we teach.
Each of us are different, in how we choose to live our life.
Responsible for our own actions, this seems only right.
Every second that has passed and gone before our eyes.
Is now memories of home sweet home and never put aside.
Sentimental journeys, of how love was always there.
No other place on earth just could not compare.
Of all the precious moments, where you could always share.
Peace of mind in knowing, that family is always there.
Love and inspiration and showing that they cared.
A place where fun and laughter always filled the air.
Comfort us when there was sorrow and helped us dry our eyes.
Encouraging us that life goes on and make us realize.
Life on earth is loaned to us, from birth until our death.
Inspiration, home has taught us to always do our best.
Kind words always spoken, you would always hear.
Even when you felt unsafe, home would wash away your fears.
Home is where your heart is, this is what it means to me.
Only home is the place, when ever I should leave.
My mind will ask me if they know, the love in which I have shown.
Every moment I think of this, There is no place like home!
Written by: Ron Dubour
At home is where you can be yourself
And laugh and cry and spend your wealth
And live long since it boosts your health
A warm hug from your mom or dad
Is what will make your heart so glad
A punch or kick from baby sis
Is one thing you will surely miss
Anytime you are far from home
With friends and yet still all alone
You then start to value old nagging mom
And wish to weed that tired lawn
So why don’t you value them now
Before they start to move around
For no matter how annoying they tend to be
They will forever be your family
Written by: King Julian
Uncle Charlie
Uncle Charlie is a fine man
Working hard with arms tan
But he wants to fix me up
With bridal china or a tin cup
He finds me all kinds of men to date
So sure he is I need a mate
I’m his charge of 25
Some of the men seem bearly alive!
Written by: Cathy Hodgson
I think I have plenty of time to wait
This argument is quite a debate!
He thinks I am waiting too late
All too long to set a bridal date..
Proverbs 8:10-11
Amber’s Poem
Wrapped snug
In a pink fluffy blanket
They handed you to me
Eyes already open
The world you wanted to see
Little hands,
Perfect toes
All set in place
A cute little nose
Curly golden hair
Eyes like the sky
Giggles that rock heaven
As you wander by
You my Daughter
Such a blessing to me
I am so proud
Of what you’ve grown to be
A lovely strong woman
A heart pure as gold
With true hearted convictions
Wonderfully bold
2 Corinthians 6:18
Cathy Hodgson © 2012
Cathy Hodgson
Shawn’s Poem
Little Blue blanket
Snug and warm
Tumbling bears
Riding motor bikes n’ cars
Little hands, five-fingers,
Perfect toes
All set in place
A cute little nose
You my son,
Such a blessing to me
I am so proud
I want all to see
A grown man now
With a wife and child
Tall Handsome and strong
With heart lovingly mild
Proverbs 23:26…Lamentations 4:2…Psalm 113 :9
Cathy Hodgson © 2009
Cathy Hodgson
She met him at the picture show
She was such a shy young lady
Never been on a date before.
She was a preachers kid,
Her father watched like a hawk, he did
She met him at the picture show
Where her girl friend took her in tow
He was tall lean and older
It made her become some bolder
Somehow he caught this young ladies eye
Out to meet him she would fly
They began to meet at the show quite regular
He brought along his brother for her friend
She was of the other Irish
Bold blue eyes and wavy black hair
The kind of looks that made guys stare
But she only looked at him
He wasn’t sure of her heart he could win
He was just a poor building laborer
How could he ever win her favor
But she soon told of her heart
How it was only him she wanted a part
Soon they had to tell her father
They took a while to tarry
But soon they would want to marry
Her father took it all in strife
When he asked to make her his wife
Soon after they were married
A family they would be
Two girls and boy
Three in as many years
Then 10 years later me
Jeremiah 31:3
A Father’s Heart
I watched as you
took your first step.
You let go of my finger.
I watched as you went
to school that first day.
You looked so bold
as you went your way.
I watched as you
went on that first date.
My heart ran cold,
when he kissed you.
I walked with you down that isle
the preacher said,
who gives her.
My heart was weak
I turn around to my seat.
I thought,
how I’ll miss you…
Revelation 21:9-10
Cathy Hodgson © 2008
The Holocaust Museum
I took my grandson, Anthony
to the Holocaust Museum yesterday
we got off at the Bowling Green station
and walked the few blocks to get there
on a lovely summer morning
at one point we were sandwiched
between the Statue of Liberty
out in the water to our left
and the new World Trade building
off to our right
the irony wasn’t lost on me
here we were right in the middle
of a great symbol of freedom
and the attempt to take it away
to destroy it outright
after emptying our pockets
and going through the metal detector
I paid for our tickets
and we started the tour
into history, into infamy
Anthony asked lots of questions
the boy has my heart
so sensitive, so caring
and inquisitive
I answered best I could
we marveled
at the scope of cruelty
we fought back tears
at the sight of a baby’s shoe
rescued from the camps
after we left
I looked across the water
at Ellis Island and prayed
this would never happen again
though I knew it would
that it was happening somewhere
at that very moment
we decided against visiting
the American Indian Museum
we had seen enough treachery for one day
and while I was tempted to lose hope
to just sink into despair
I looked at my young companion
and felt the light fill me
the boy has my heart
charlie giardino 7/26/12
Aquamarine, observing mine
somewhat as periwinkle shine
Collecting treasures fantasies
and such
the nile blue, a tide to touch
Trusting eager to apologize
absorbing youth, sunny skies
Tomorrows portion attractively
fascinating the eyes of my
(c) copyright heather burns
dedicated to
our new baby
The face of a doll
dainty, so delicate
eyes of deepest blue
hair black as jet
curling on a tiny
Sweetly smiling
lighting up the
night skies
An angel sent from
a precious flower
adding to my hearts
copyright by heather burns
Intro, to Cynthia’s Family Poem
Notes on the Back of a Photo was inspired by a picture of my long deceased Godmother,
my grandmother’s younger sister. I was sorting through a basket of pictures from all
the parts of my own and my grandmother’s lives entwined together, a project more about
process than completion, when the image spoke to me in a whole new way.
Notes on the Back of a Photograph
“Sundays at Riverside”
the ease of her voice
in the handwriting
on the back of the photo
my great aunt
sent my grandmother
in the collection of prints
entrusted to me
a connection more real
than all the pretending
I do on the back of pictures
making me crave
the same right to be honest
to have someone in my life
as safe as Cathy felt
with her elder sister
my aunt still breathes
in that moment by the riverside
with the love
she was allowed to choose
reflected back to her
their joy still speaking
to future generations
from that afternoon
by the water in the forties
the most real
of all the scraps and mementos
held in my basket of time
the wind in the present
drawing me from reverie
I wonder what little girl
I will leave it to
and if I will adore her
as much as my grandma
esteemed me
the image a reminder
to trust your soul
and be with your heart’s love
follow only your own intuition
and have a sister
who values your happiness
Written by: Cynthia Sharp
Below you will find “Today’s Message” regarding “Family” by Melvina Germain
Day 1
TODAY’S MESSAGE (June 22/2014)
Hello folks, I do have a message to share today and I did come here very early this morning as one of my friends in spirit decided to come by and wake me up. My friend Ila who passed a few years ago just came by and said you get up girl, we need to talk. Well she didn’t say it exactly like that lol, but I rose and sat there and listened, then came and did what I was asked to do.
After sharing, I wanted to make sure my “Feature Poet” was settled in our group and she was and is as I write these words…her poetry is Blessing that group…My body was becoming more and more in need of sleep, so I went back to bed. Well I’m here now and I do have a message that was pounding in my mind while sleeping. I knew that was one thing I had to share here today before leaving this house. Well bear with me while I try to share that with you.
Over the last few days, I’ve been gathering words about “Family”….I asked the poets in my group “Poems Plus by Melvina & Friends” to write poems on the topic of “Family” and thus far I have words from ten poets, including myself. I invite you to go to my website and click on “Family”…actually I will provide the link at the end of the message to follow.
This message that so boldly took over in my sleep, is one that is exceptionally special to me. In my bathroom I have the words on a wee plaque hanging on the wall that says…”Family is a little world that is created by Love”…Well now isn’t that true. Every time I read it which is several times a day in fact, I sometimes smile, I might shake my head thinking of the darkness some families allow to penetrate among them and sometimes I speak out loud reminding myself of the calls I have to make.
We all want, Love, happiness, comfort, respect, patience, honesty, open mindedness and a whole lot more in our family but you know a day doesn’t go by that someone isn’t disappointed in some of the members in their family and what are you going to do, you can’t just get rid of them…Heck no…they are “family” When others outside of the family fails us, we can run to a family member for a hug or a word or a sit down and have a cup of tea and tell them what’s on our mind.
Sometimes we may have a really special bond with one particular family member, perhaps a Father or a Mother, an Aunt or an Uncle. There are times when the inevitable comes in and places a wrench in your family and a member is gone and that special person to you is left on their own and you care for them, you pay bills for them, you take them to the doctor and make sure all their needs are taken care of. That Father or Mother or Aunt or Uncle is still lonely, after all they miss the arms of someone to love. On their own they found a special person and became involved and now you are left on the outside looking in and you are feeling lost.
Once the one you put so much time into caring for and making sure they have everything they need, is now giving most of their time to a new person. Your back may be as they say “is up” you want to know what is going on and you vocalize without thinking often and the answers your getting back are not pleasing at all. Now you may be telling yourself that person no longer loves you and has replaced you. Fact is, that’s not true at all, you have not been replaced but the emptiness that you could not fill is now being filled as it was prior by the person they lost, they have filled that void where you never were to begin with. You came in and did what you had to do when you had to do it. We have a time and place in our life where we have to nourish the lives of others and we need to know when to step back and smile and let it be.
It is never necessary for anyone to become argumentative, or hurl daggers at people they do not know. It will never prove to Bless you or to paint a loving picture of you, in fact it will do the opposite and push you even further and further away. We don’t own people, I’ve said that so many times. We have no right to tell anyone what to do with their lives no matter how much we love them. When people are of age, we much respect them and hopefully they respect us enough to sit and talk with us about situations that concern us but we can not jump in like a tiger and start smashing around causing great upset. Doing so, pushes the very one that you love and want to as you may express, “save”. They will take the side often of the person they believe they are in love with and tell you to take a hike.
Let me change places a little bit here, if you are the other women or man who have come into the lives of those who lost their loved one to death, perhaps divorce etc. You must never stand in the way of that family, you need to blend in nicely and that’s not by helping to create havoc in the family. If there is a son or daughter that is having problems with your intervention, you need to continually soothe your partner, not join with him or her and speak against his family member. Trying to alienate and thinking you are joining forces with him or her will come back and bite you in the ass. Sometimes and men especially with that warrior built in will blatantly open his mouth without thinking and blurt out foolish words…telling family, I don’t need you in my life…perhaps telling a son or daughter to stay away from my home. How dose one say such things to their “Blood”…you do not do such things, that creates years of unhappiness. Woman, don’t allow your men to be so stupid, when they confide in you that this is what they might say, caution them not to. Same to you Men who have a woman who is walking away from everyone for you. No no no no don’t let it happen. Blending in is the only way, watching your tongue and living in silence for awhile can be a Blessing in the future.
We have to give our loved one some credit for their choices and allow them to move forward. I know it can become complicated when we are dealing with property, money, materialistic items that are precious to us if left by a Mom or Dad. I understand that and that’s where the prior respect will set in and all can sit and discuss openly a fair ending to such concern. I’m smiling because there is much to be said to the people who have nothing, no property, no money etc. that hurdle one would not need to jump over. You know, I’ve seen so many separations in family over materialistic things, and so much upset when the outsider ends up with all the property and shares very little with those who should have received it. It’s all about “fairness” and unfortunately many don’t want to face the inevitable and do not make sure their family is protected and that my friends creates havoc among families. the world is not a place where fairness is abundant, people are cruel and can find ways to justify what they get freely. Protect your family…there are people who will not take from you, who want all fairness, who will put your family first and make sure their partner is on the right track, there are some but not enough so protect your family.
I’m going to end here, this is growing and though I have still much to say, I think I’ll take it day by day. I’m the surviving wife and the surviving other woman. I came into the life of a man who had a daughter who took very good care of him. He was also a caring man who was still in love with his first wife and believe it or not still cared greatly for his second wife. I had many discussions with him about both and his whole family, intense discussions and we delved into spirituality and found great Blessings and much comfort there, we had fun, we played, we sang, we cursed but at no time did we disrespect our families. We are not here to break the bond so created with “Love” we are here to help entrench it.
This week, I will concentrate on certain areas of family, that I can speak on through experience and it will involve loss and gain. Love you all always and why? Well my motto…Love Is The Answer…..
Take what you can use and leave the rest…..
Written by: Melvina Germain
Day 2
TODAY’S MESSAGE….on “Family” continues…(June 23/2014)
The message continues today with our little children. These innocent beings merely want to be loved, comforted, fed and enjoy life as a child. They don’t know what to do about a parent who sits them down telling them all the bad things about their Father or their Mother. These children love us unconditionally and you totally confuse them when you bring them into adult issues.
You are literally forcing them to take sides and to please you, they will do just that. How can one do that to someone they love. You love your child and you had that child with a partner that you also once loved, now you demean your partner to the very person that you both created.
Absurd and stupid, remember this, children never forget. That child will grow to be an old person and will remember your disgusting dark words against their Father or Mother. You have painted an eternal picture in their heart and it will affect them in life.
All that darkness you painted will return to you with more force than you can imagine. It may return with tossing daggers, or the pain of brutal action against you, it may return with you learning of how abusive your child has become toward the opposite gender. Somehow, your face will be slapped and you will bear the burden. So what do you do, sit there and mutter to yourself, I don’t know why Jack is so abusive. I can’t understand why he calls his wife so many horrible names or why does Susan hate men so much. Huh! you better look in the mirror.
You’ve been tossing daggers about your ex for so many years, that you have remained in that dark hole and forgot what it was like to smell the roses. You chose this for yourself, you refused to move forward. The only word that was bold in your mind was the word “BLAME” after all, she or he ruined your whole life, and you go through life with that in mind. Each day becoming older and older and your family falling further and further away until no one has anything to do with you. “YOU” ruined your whole life, nobody else.
You have been cruel to them and in so doing cruel to yourself, now your body turns on you with illness. You see you didn’t take the time out to look after you either. One day you look in the mirror and you ask yourself, who is that looking back, that can’t be me. Your hunched over, your face has fallen, your eyes are miserable and you have the deepest frown lines and hell you don’t smoke. You have high blood pressure, your kidneys are failing, you’re on the verge of diabetes and your heart is racing. You glare at your kitchen counter and the corner is laced in pills that you have to take. Let me tell you, you better foster some of the blame. Remember the tossing of darkness trying to make someone else look bad in your family, whether it be an ex or a family member. You spent so much time focusing on them, you literally forgot about you and now you suffer. Don’t forget the same children you sat down painting horror pictures to have turned away from you and whose table are they sitting at?
Well, what’s the message here…one might be…you better think before you speak and you better take a long and good look in the mirror before you toss those daggers etc. etc. etc.
Yep…nothing has changed, take what you can use and leave the rest. See ya tomorrow…
NOTE: I do acknowledge that people do become ill for other reasons as well, but clearly this is one of them.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Day 3
TODAY’S MESSAGE…on “Family” continues…(Toxic Family) (June 24th)
Today, I’m going to speak of the dark side of Family and try my best to keep it short and to the point. But first…Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening.
Let me state, it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge this type of family. Before I delve into this please understand and I’ve said this before but I must reiterate. I’m not a psychiatrist, a psychologist or a doctor of any sort. I refer to myself as an “experienceiologist” that’s me. I’ve either lived it, been aware of it or have listened to the agony of it and from that place, I merely share it.
We have to acknowledge the good, the bad and the ugly though we might want to forget and push the latter under that proverbial carpet. I’m going to share that darkness with you. We’ve all heard of people who step away from their families and we may look at them wondering …. what is wrong with them, we seldom question the family as we have painted in our minds what we perceive family to be and it usually stands on the side of good. We forget their is that entrenched darkness that delves into toxicity and within this so called family unit, much pain is driven into one or several family members by those who revel and enjoy hurling that axe of pain. The people who are smashed to the ground would describe these individuals as “evil”.
Some of these people have been driven to suicidal attempts and who knows perhaps we have lost people from toxic families to suicide. I don’t have any stats on that. Fortunately some people know they must remove themselves from this toxic mash of pain and in doing so they are often the target of blame. I say, we need to be more understanding of such people and be there to help uplift them and welcome them out of this blood battle of pain throwing beasts. Realize they are stepping into the light, doing their best to make a better life for themselves. We are not all Blessed with loving families, we are not.
Further also realize this, the people who make up this toxic family were themselves tossed into that darkness of pain at childhood. They were perhaps the victims of a heavy hand, abused verbally and, or physically. Yes they may have endured molestation which went unnoticed or where a blind eye was present. This is where children come up feeling unworthy and the only way in their eyes to feel better is to shed the same pain to others, hence the creation of “toxic” families. Still compassion must reign within us, not to the point where we step into their place but where we pray for peace within for them. Remember they are teetering perhaps on the edge of being evil with their actions and interactions with many. Having said that, our main concern should remain with the individual who is trying to make a better life for themselves, we can help them greatly by helping them empower themselves.
Toxic families are real, this darkness exists and those who step out of that box ought not to be chastised but to be applauded and uplifted.
Here it is folks…Take what you can use and leave the rest.
Written by; Melvina Germain
TODAY’S MESSAGE…on “Family” continues…(Estranged Children) June 25/2014
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening…I want to address the issue of estranged children and try to focus on why this happens and who also suffers in the end.
A true story and I’m sure many can relate, we’ll begin in the home of the Johnson’s, a household of four children, three girls, one boy. Mom and Dad are struggling to make ends meet. Arguments escalate, yelling and so on, the children huddle together in a room listening. It becomes the norm and soon they are able to turn their parents verbal abuse off. However the children did not expect what was about to unfold.
One day, they came home from school, later sat around the table for supper and daddy’s chair was empty. Mom was very sad and gave them the news, daddy left them. Distraught Mom couldn’t offer any great explanation, she was extremely upset. Three of the children were quite upset as well, but the oldest girl, was happy to live in a household of peace. She blamed everything on her father and Mom never sat and talked with her. Over the years when dad came to visit and he did weekly after a few months of silence. Marylou, his oldest daughter would not have anything to do with him. Still nothing was said, her thoughts against her father festered and during the teenage years she seldom spoke to him, she merely tolerated him.
Mom or Dad, did not sit down and explain to these children that their decision to part had nothing to do with them. They didn’t explain it was totally an adult issue and both agreed to separate. Mom didn’t speak against her husband but her silence didn’t help either. Three of the children were happy when daddy visited and they didn’t foster any blame toward Dad or Mom. One of the daughters was still very close to her dad and spent a lot of time talking to him on the phone and never missed a visit. Marylou had issues th at were not dealt with. Years passed and Marylou married, dad was at the wedding but not acknowledged, he didn’t walk her down the aisle, her brother did. She moved away to another city and dad did go to visit her on several occasions. He spent more time with her husband than her and it was always an awkward situation but he did love his daughter and wanted her to be a part of his life.
Their relationship grew further and further apart. Marylou had two children and the children did not like gramps. He was very seldom invited to their home and he felt abandoned. He began to realize his past mistakes and now it was getting too late as so many years had gone by. He lost his daughter and her children and couldn’t handle being around her husband.
Life had changed for him drastically as well, he divorced three times and had one son from his second marriage, whom he was very close to. He spent much time with him and that posed a bit of jealousy with his other children but not a major problem. Many changes continued to take place when dad became quite ill and never received a visit from his oldest daughter or her children. He found out, she had a huge family gathering and everyone was invited but him and that hurt him terribly. He cried so much when he found out and the following day, he dropped and it was determined he’d had a stroke.
His heart and kidneys were failing and he knew his time was limited. His youngest son never left his side along with his youngest daughter and the others visited him in the hospital regularly. His oldest daughter was on her way to the hospital with her family and quickly walked through the hospital doors to try and make amends and apologize to her father. No one knew it was Marylou had been seeing a therapist and dealing with her issues against dad. She realized, she did love her dad and was very stubborn and never forgave him for leaving them as a child. She began counseling in secret and later told her husband and made him promise not to say anything. She wanted to be the first to tell her dad and she was ready to begin anew with a father/daughter relationship.
When Marylou received the news of her father’s critical condition, the family left right away to be with him. So much had to be said and she knew, time was of the essence. The family arrived at the hospital, parked and literally ran, bursting through the doors to the elevator. Marylou was in tears and all were anxious. Upon entering the hospital room where dad laid still on the bed. She saw him laying there and heard the whimpering of her youngest sister, saw the look of sadness in everyone’s eyes as they gazed at her. She was struck with the worst pain she had ever experienced. She lost her chance to make things right between
her and her father, he had passed away moments prior. Before he passed, he whispered to his youngest son, tell Marylou, I love her.
Day 4
True story people, I’ll leave that with you…..
Written by: Melvina Germain
Day 5
TODAY’S MESSAGE…on “Family” continues…(She Cries Alone)
June 29, 2014 at 9:21pm
Sheila splayed upon her bed in the midnight hour, a time when Tim’s
arms would embrace and comfort her prior to going home to his family.
Twas a full day for Sheila as she sat quietly waiting for the telephone
to ring. Wanting to listen to Tim’s voice and share her lonely day. She
waited from morning sometime until very late at night. She had no
choice, this was all she could have of him, she felt lost and alone.
Tim did not lie to her, his words were honest and true and they rang
in her mind, day after day, hour after hour. I won’t divorce my wife
or leave her on her own. I’ll never leave her or hurt her, no Sheila, she
must never know.
Shela accepted what most would not, but she loved Tim so much, and
this was all she got. A dark veil hung over her and she knew this was
wrong but like the Blues song says…”No one knows when true love
will come along”.
Years pass and Sheila had some full, blessed days where deceiving stories
hung boldly in Tim’s words to his wife. Tim thought the old adage was
brilliant and true…”What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her”…don’t point
fingers, he thought…you don’t walk in my shoes. He loved Sheila with
all his heart, and there wasn’t much he would not do for her, but separation
from his wife was not on any list and Sheila remained living like this.
Tim now confined in a hospital bed, not sure of his chances of life or death.
His illness has taken quite a toll on him. He’s weak, can barely speak and
full of stress. His insatiable worry, boggled his mind, what will happen to
Sheila when he leaves her behind. Tim knew his family would fare well
as their inheritance would clear all outstanding debts. But Sheila, O
poor Sheila, well she’s certainly in his will and now Tim wonders about
his decision still.
As Tim pondered on what he had done, he realized it was not the smartest
thing to do. He left Sheila several thousand dollars, all signed and
witnessed, his executor would have to follow through. As his mind
becomes inflamed, Tim realizes his huge mistake. After his death, what
he was able to keep secret for over twenty years, will quickly unfold. His
wife will be in shock and his children will bare the burden of his long
affair and foolish indiscretion.
Sheila hears the telephone ring, the voice on the other end was weak
and apologetic. I’m so sorry I did this to you and he explained what he
had done. Oh Sheila, I should have given you, what I wanted you to
have and kept you free of the embarrassment to come. I”m so sorry,
I’m truly sorry. You know I love you Sheila, I wanted to be fair but I
truly didn’t face the inevitability of this day. Sheila, I’m dying any day, I
will leave this earth and a whole lot of people will be hurt, not so much
due to my death but to the way I handled my affairs.
Sheila continually sobbed and knew Tim was going soon, she could hear
it in his voice. Tim died 12 hours later but Sheila was not notified as
no one knew of her existence. She found out in the obituaries a few
days later and her grieving began. A month later, a knock came on her
door. She answered and there stood a tall, elegant young woman. She
said I have something from my dad for you and handed Sheila an
envelope. He had left her a large sum of money and after speaking for
quite some time to this young woman, sheila knew her selfishness and Tim’s
caused an astronomical amount of pain. The daughter explained that
Mom was not well and was dealing with anxiety, high blood pressure and
now on a regimen of depression pills due to the unfolding of this news.
The daughter refused to have coffee with Sheila, and mainly took care
of business, said good bye and left Sheila in tears on the sofa. The
complication of selfish love can often create an explosion of pain that
may take years to heal.
(Well, I most certainly hope somebody benefits from the content of this
Family piece. You know what comes next…Take what you can use and
leave the rest)…..
(True Story)
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: June 2014
→ No CommentsTags: Family (Poems Plus)
A gent said that when two people, man to man or woman to woman love each other. That love is classed as “faulty”…I of course disagree wholeheartedly…see below:
I want to share this with you this afternoon… Love is the answer and can in no way be faulty. When we love someone, we give them our all. Man, Woman, Child, it matters not whether it’s man to woman, woman to man, man to man or woman to woman…Love is love, it matters not whether it’s Black to Black, Black to White, White to White, White to Black or any other color range as “Love has no color”…We love simply because we love, it comes from the heart and soul and we are Blessed to be covered by such a blanket…My motto as most of you know, once again…”Love Is The Answer”…..
Reaching Out
You can reach out and touch some of the people because your mind is closed. Or, you can reach out and touch almost all of the people because you are open and respect all. Give your head a shake when you feel you are too good to touch and feel the real of society. Speak and do for the good of mankind, that encompasses all…Melvina…..
My Thoughts
You know folks, we can tell people what they should be doing, give them our idea’s and stomp our feet to the ground. We can look them in the eye and say, stop drinking, stop doing drugs, stop gambling but is it that simple to do. If it were would most of them have not stopped by now. So do we throw our hands up in the air and say…”I’m done”…walk away and never look back.
We can say to those who consistently find themselves behind bars, stop doing what you are doing but are we of the same mindset and do we know what pushed them over the edge to that place of what they consider…no return…Have we taught them what words we want to hear and they so often share them with us so we get off their backs for a time.
We look at homeless people, drop our heads while shaking them. Looking at them as if we are better than they are forgetting that it only takes one illness to homelessness for many of us. When we find ourselves in that place where no one wants to tread, do we hide behind poles, slip to the back of the food line, keep our heads down so no one recognizes us.
Were we around when the pressure grew so hard for Nick and watched him slip out of society. Did you see Nick downtown behind alley’s looking in dumpsters, did he smile at you as you slowly walked by wondering why. Well Nick says, life is easier now that he’s dropped out and doesn’t have to deal with that day to day havoc. Do you have a name for Nick, are you now going to judge him, perhaps Nick is the smart one and will live a much longer life of no stress. He merely needs to know how to survive the day and he has learned where every food stop is. He left us and we will never understand why due to the fact we did not walk in Nick’s shoes.
We gaze at our ladies of the night and some of us have harsh words for them. But you have not walked that path either. Perhaps you were stronger or had a slight helping hand, perhaps you loved yourself just a little more or maybe you didn’t find yourself pregnant at age fourteen in a household of abuse and therefore you did not end up on the path of prostitution. Can we judge the prostitute as bad and her customer as good when her customer might very well be your daddy, your husband, your brother, your best friend, your colleague…what makes them any better than our sister prostitute. She is doing what she feels is necessary and in some cases not just to feed her drug habit of which she might have none but to feed her own children who accidentally became her life. Do we have the right to judge, it’s easy to conjure up reasons why.
Who are you following these days, are you following the ego minded star. Someone who loves themselves more than one can imagine. I agree with loving oneself, believe it we must be careful who we stand behind, we must be clear thinking individuals who know the inside out and when we are thrown a bone, know that it is not poison. It is too easy to follow behind the crust of power…Know your people well, believe it, they know you…Melvina
Women Of The West
Women of the West, we could be Reyhanneh in a few years. Keep your eyes open and be ready to stand up and fight for your rights. We do not need nor want to be involved in any way with “Sharia Law”…Educate yourself, read about it, know it inside out because it is not to your benefit. It is to the benefit of monsters and monsters do not have our best interest at heart. Monsters kill us for protecting ourselves, they kill even when we are not the guilty. Monsters feel we are only here to satisfy their every wish and to bring forth their sons so they can infect them with hate and teach them how to abuse women with physical beatings and mental abuse by tearing us down, demeaning and controlling us.
“Reyhanneh”, our sister in the East suffered tremendously over a long period of time but that wasn’t enough, still they found it necessary to hang her. We here a lot of complaints about our men here in the West, well let me tell you I think it’s high time we thank God for Blessing us with clear thinking men who for the most part are happy to stand besides their mothers, sisters and daughters. Most of them will kill for us and most of them hate what is going on in other parts of the world. I spoke only to a small amount of men this week, some I must say I was very disappointed with but later spoke to some very caring individuals. It’s time ladies, right now time is crucial, we have to take a stand and we need to forget about color issues, we are all sisters all over the world. Time to come together, time to make some very crucial decisions, time to stop being complacent. Stand up, speak out and be heard. Our sisters are dying ladies, dying…Melvina…..
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1. Lost Havana
2. Kill For Power
3. Good Riddance to 2013
4. Searching
5. Compos’d
6. Dwyne For Thee
7. Two Precious Souls
8. Old Cocks Die Soft In The Mud
9. Too Soon Too Late
10. Spilling Blessings
11. Let It Be Today…Tomorrow May Never Come
Lost Havana
Be aware…Swear words included.
Monumental issues drain the working man,
whilst hateful slurs on lives of drones, pitch
daggers ore the land. Take those daggers, turn
them back to the creators of the brew. Giving
shots on a monthly basis, such tainted fucked up
up stew.
Wail for the unsuspected little babes who scream
in saturated pain. Addicted bodies crumble, red
fire rob their veins. A Nugent of society, bore to
life’s crushed and lame. Who has compassion for
the unsaved, who will step forth and give them a
Many extended families lay hidden, disconnected
and abashed. O the crux of the unwanted lay heavy
on the working class. Bemused find young faces,
standing with open hands. Paint my palms you
fucking bastards, you made me what I’am.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: Sept. 28/2014
Kill For Power
Tormented over the crushing blade of hatred,
bludgeoned characters, broken spirits, troubled
storms, slashed hope and wasted life. The
humanic demon surges beneath the shell and
deadens ones soul. Still delving deeper and
deeper yet to the door of death, perceived by
many to be of no return.
Slovenly, distorted minds, captured by the goat
of evil, hoofs trampling all that stand for decency,
for innocence, all who scream for peace, for
deliverance, for hope of a better world.
We hear the tintinnabulation of church bells in
the distance, the stammering sound of pain after
gunshots waning through the air. We hear rock
cry out from an ancestry who died by the hands
of evil, whose pain still drift perhaps unknown in
spirit. Cry for peace, for thunder to reign
truth. Clenching their invisible fists, held high.
Bemused are those who look from behind the
windows of other lands. Transfixed on the
relentless behavior of religious men, the greed
of such mockery of the Holy Spirit. Costume
wearers with deep pockets, hurl rules to starve
and kill. Kill a people, genocide at will. Holy men
gone bad, Holy men that never were. Followers,
the hem of evil robes trail behind.
Tears fall, from mothers, fathers, widows and
widowers. Poor mothers bending in pain, saliva
draining to the ground, when will I see my baby
again, when will I see my baby again, Screaming,
when will I see my baby again. As the tops of
their head kiss the earth, all will dream of a new
life, a new birth.
God Bless the sufferers, dear God your Kingdom
must be full, for the death toll on earth is high.
I pray for “PEACE” may it come soon and find
its way. You are the only one, dear God that
can save this wretched day. Swing low sweet
spirit, swing low sweet spirit and cover all
who stand in need.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: August 01/2014
Good Riddance to 2013…January 2, 2014 at 12:44am
We say good-bye to this horrid number, a year painted Blue,for the coming of gray waters rained an ocean over you. Devastation wreaked with havoc, ripped and tore foundations loose. Some lost a lifetime of treasures and homes we need anew. Rise up and live, start from scratch and build again. You learned of great compassion with many gatherings of new found friends. Praise God much life was not lost, though death visited a few, we bow our heads in prayer, may God watch over all of you.
I felt the pain of the demon once again, that bold constricting evidence. My heart bled with a slow burning fire, as its embers whispered deep. I’m here to pull you down again, I’ll see you drop and weep. I wanted to cry out and scream, nooo this can’t be happening. Surely the beast is old and weary and ready to fall to sleep. Far from the truth, my eyes and soul could not deny as I sat with an empty vessel by my side. His spark had long ago ceased, laying dead while being alive. Swallowed in the jaws of pain, beaten down by societies brutes, robbed by evils heavy hand, addicted by the wrath of man. Black Angel, you are alone, though you try continually to please. That feminine beast wore a cowards cloak and ruled a narcissistic sleeve.
Cowardly beings can no longer uplift. Many answers were vivid on a cold sliced Day. No music, blues or jazz could tear such pain away. Red beast so slight and short, with a mask of innocence, held power over the mass. Still good Samaritans quietly showed their faces and one dared to speak a word or two, but evil had spread its blanket and those who spoke could not be heard.
That racist prick came back to bite me in the ass in the year 2013. Now I stand with eyes opened wide ready to pounce if ever need be. I’ll not be ruled by that demon again, it will not tower over me.
Evil has many followers and they come sometimes in one, two, three. I’ve had my share in 2013, more than one has followed me. Though I’ve never parted, I felt its daggers tear my flesh. It’s brutal force of evil tainted my soul, and as my life uprooted from the core, I asked my God, how much can I take, will you keep allowing more and more. Fingers of control pointed with daggers in their tips, ruled from the white tall pedestal with a powerful silent voice. I’m throwing you to the pit of doom and you’ll not have a choice. That demon will find it’s karma and soon will fade and die. I’ll not bow my head to pray, nor uplift my eyes to the sky. I’ve learned in 2013 that the fight for me is not over. As long as you have those you love and care so deeply about, O you’ll stand by their side and be ready to scream and shout.
Manipulation does not befall me, my mind is focused clear, and those who wish me not to pray can stay the hell over there. Tolerance is not on my menu, acceptance is all He wrote, all differences are a Blessing, and such with me stands vividly dear. Say good-bye to 2013, for some… bent screws were tight. Others felt sharp knives pierce their very soul, while heartache provoked them in the midst of a sleepless night.
O death you crawled the rivers, the valleys and mountains too. You left nothing uncovered, touching many who feared the likes of you. An unwelcomed visitor to most though some held open their arms. I cried a river, once, twice, thrice and more, you know it’s true. And if new deaths was not enough, you brought back memories of the year before and made me stand there gazing as if waiting at death’s door. I gazed at a family member, a youth of many wounds, my tears flowed like a river as I held my head within my room. I looked upon a man whose eyes sunk deep inside and he recalled a day when his wife in his arms did die. O yes many tears befell the memories in the year 2013 and I realized it’s truth as I laid within a dream. Memories of a good friend who
walked boldly deaths lonesome road, no fear, only a smile as she quietly slipped away. I was not there for her last breath but I remember vividly standing by her side for many a beautiful day. Now the curtain of death, slowly closed it’s window to the passing of the year. I say good riddance to 2013, how I wish you were never here.
May 2014 be a year to remember, create beautiful memories to recall. May Jesus be your guide, while our Father in Heaven watches over all.
Blessings to all of you this 2014-01-02
Written by: MelvinaGermain
Old death you come, a sheet of gray,
upon the sea you lay, thy brothers and sisters
be your guest on this tragic, brutal day.
Weep not! Weep not! This death is good,
Our spirits go home dear Africa.
Lift the bed of slithering doom,
with ne’re a silver or golden spoon.
History lost long poison’d truth,
as time became anew.
Grimaced flesh, ash on black bones.
long nights stood with thy crew.
Raging storms begat thy vessel,
and such words lived long a year
John Newton learned his lesson,
Amazing Grace, we so often hear.
God’s talking book sheds not a word,
silence, three hundred years doth play.
And music came from that Holy book,
White words of wisdom flaunt the page.
“Slaves be obedient to your masters”
From the Holy book, the words did say.
labouring long upon the fields,
in the moonshine sun of a wretched day.
No Misa nor Ifa no Kandake Queens,
no ceremonial dance, nor Yoruba God’s to praise,
only shadows at a glance in the gray night of day.
All traditions tossed asunder, broken and cast aside.
Cast out the savage beast, brainwash a longing mind
Soon believing as the master,
bowing down, while stabbed from behind.
Look beyond the pages of black and white,
Settle down and find your truth.
Be proud of who you are,
delve deep in spiritual gain.
We are children of the Nile,
long where our true history doth reign.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: Nov. 25/2013
© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)
O drape thy arms though far away
upon my body’s fleshless bones.
Above this earth, hallow’d songs cry out,
For thee, wretched, powerless and scorned.
She walks the dale, so gaunt and frail,
Once beauty wore her cheeks of rose.
Now this maiden once so fair,
Treads on the clay of ill repose
No dirge shall play a symphony,
A thousand elegies must be told.
Upon the violin, such strings do play,
A rhythmic tale of long ago.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: Nov. 23 /2013
© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)
Though this day is dank and niggard.
My thoughts seem awry,
as diamond glints shine,
like the cazami of the sun,
thy image pass me by.
Oh fear, oh fear, thou found my soul.
My love rides the whorrell of pain.
Nary an inkling of coveting my lady love,
in these arms I shall not gain.
Fro ce to ce I give my dirl,
as I search in dire need.
For this love I seek, haunts me so,
while I dwyne loves precious seed.
I shall abide this weary existence,
and pray for a maiden fair.
Let me swoon upon the swatch,
and bury my burdens there.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: August 22/2011
© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)
Two Precious Souls…Dedicated to Dylan & Samantha
We have not forgotten you, sweet and precious souls.
You are a delight, beautiful jewels, much to behold.
From a Grandparent’s perspective, a gift you truly are.
I know we all agree, you are as precious as a star.
How Blessed you are to have such family,
who embrace you with unconditional love,
who soaks in the beauty of His glory,.
yes from our great Father up above.
So many tears, so many tears, washed away in fear,
never the less, God protected you and kept you safe here.
In the arms of comfort and light, a loving family,
God gifted you both, with much generosity.
Sometimes we are not Blessed, with mothers lovingly.
O some are covered in darkness beneath a dieing tree.
When the saplings grow and mature with love and care,
it is then a dieing mother may come back and be aware.
We judge what we see, but we no not of the past.
Walking in anothers shoes would be a monumental task.
Learning to forgive is as precious as a jewel,
and takes away the darkness of ever becoming cruel.
So much to expect from a young lady and young man,
for you lost those precious years, holding momma’s hand.
Praise God for those who step in, and treasure all they do,
We were truly gifted when we were given you.
Your family will always love you, here to eternity,
May the glory of God’s Blessings, cover you both abundantly.
May lost souls become well, and join our royal train,
sitting beside each other, holding your hands once again.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: Dec. 18/2013
Written by: Dylan’s Grandparent…Melvina Germain
On behalf of Grandparents…Richard Germain (Passed away)
On behalf of Samantha’s Grandparents…Chris & Martine Depasquale
This poem is written from a Grandparents perspective only.
© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)
Old Cocks Die Soft In The Mud (Writing about a famous couple)
Youth standing beside an old rogue
uplifting dead spirits, bringing them to
life once again. Dressing an old king
who indicates he needs a young friend.
Falling in the clasps of a sordid mess,
an old codger could not pass the test.
To the pit of horror, his scum released,
a racist demon unfolds it’s crease.
Poor, poor man, years unexposed but
as time comes to end, before the
inevitable takes it’s place, an old man
is placed in the hot fire of disgrace.
How do we fare, the youth that brought
him down or was it innocence who
threw in the towel and a demons catch
threw a long home run. A struggle
begins within the deep seated bowel.
Anger begets a scorned, wretched man.
His rage is ugly and his words are dark.
He fires the sword far because he can.
Words so deep marred with dirt, an old
man strikes a young woman down.
A bombastic woman with strength of a
tigress. His sword bounced back and
left no scars, only a smile etched upon
the face of venus and mars.
Old cocks die soft in the mud. Jagged
knives, piercing eyes, crocodile tears,
wear many a disguise. The betrayed,
betrayed by an innovative youth awww
telling it like it is, in the vat of old
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: May 23/2914
Too Soon Too Late (I was thinking of a few famous people I know but one in particular)
You’re one of the chosen few,
in the right place at the right time,
played the right gig,
wrote the right line.
Many were just as good or better,
but you were there
to collect the treasure.
Now you’re in the money,
with your choice of any honey.
The years are dazzling with jewels,
with a long line of followers too.
The jiving and the humping,
leaves your heart a thumping.
On top of the world,
living in a winding swirl.
One day, you wake up in the morning,
and glance around the room,
disheveled and confusing
as the tower fell to doom.
What happened to the glory
go back and tell your story.
The last thing you remember,
was smoking a joint in the back,
and everything after that
seems to fall in lack.
What happened to the fun times,
where did your fame and money go?
Do people remember who you are,
do they want to know?
Those are the questions you ponder,
while sitting in the middle of your
king size bed. Soiled blankets and
sheets, an over sized pillow where
you lay your famous head.
Many of your precious friends
who partied high and low,
have gone to see their maker, or
sitting behind windows in old
folks homes you know.
A tear befalls your eye
as you wipe the sweat from your brow,
and you wonder to yourself,
what will I do now. It’s a sad time,
you need an intervention of love,
but life took a turn for the worst
there’s nothing you can do.
Now the young calls the shots
and wear the same labels as did you.
Love can’t find its way through that
armored wall you built.
Pain hides its tempo
in the ravens and the doves.
No matter how much you want it,
you may never again find love.
Too soon, too late,
you know what
you should have done.
Time has long past
soon you will gaze upwards
toward the sun.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: July 29/2014
Spilling Blessings (A feel good poem for all of you)
May 12, 2014 at 7:36am
Feeling the dew drops faintly touch my thirsty skin,
in soothing memories, I’m wondering where you’ve been.
I’m dancing and twirling catching glimpses of rainbows.
Uplifting dreams, reaching high on the tips of my toes.
Skipping stones, watching the eddies play at the river side
kissing the wind and watching the gentle flow of noon tide.
I’m shrugging my shoulders and smiling from ear to ear,
slowly losing myself in the depth of lovers cheer.
Running in the sand, massaging the bottoms of my feet.
Screaming loud and laughing from way, way down deep.
O I’m swinging from branch to branch because I can.
Living a life of Blessings from God’s Holy hands.
I hear whispers in the windswept golden trees,
and I drop with arms to the sky upon my knees.
O thank you dear Father for all these precious things.
I look forward to the day I see your Angels wings.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Let It Be Today…Tomorrow May Never Come
He called yesterday morning,
come have a drink with me.
Meet me at the Border Crossing
down the street.
I agreed to go,
so many reasons you see.
He was an old friends son,
she left behind in misery.
We never know,
what’s on the road ahead.
Sometimes we fall hard
when those we love are dead.
There he was, a disheveled mess,
almost unrecognizable,
though that smile never changed.
I looked real close and I could see,
that once little boy smiling up at me.
Sitting on the back steps
so sad and blue.
That drunken slur wasn’t something new.
O I’ve heard it before,
from a woman I loved.
History can repeat itself,
when one walks through the door.
His mama died in a drunken haze,
and the son lives trudging in a maze.
I remember the day, that last telephone call.
Come have a drink with me,
yes that’s what she said.
I’ll come tomorrow, I promise I will
but tomorrow never came,
it wasn’t God’s will.
My friend was found dead,
sitting at her kitchen table,
a picture of her dad, a glass of vodka too.
The need to be high, was all she knew.
I grabbed hold of her son,
gave him the tightest hug.
I pray this is not the end,
I’m growing weary,
saying good-bye to old friends.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: Dec. 23/2014
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God Bless Our Veterans…(Our Veterans Deserve Better)
I shed my blood for you, I lost my arms, my legs.
My eyes now do not see.
I left my home and may I ask,
what came back to my family.
Broken bones,
a heart ripped in two,
Can’t sleep, Can’t think,
voices haunt me, flames come blasting through.
I lost myself while protecting you.
So who am I, stinking in pain.
How dare you rip me apart again.
I stood at allegiance, so proud and happy,
gave salute to our Queen.
Off to war, marching proud,
our mother’s tears fell during hopeless dreams.
Fear scattered our brains,
guns brutalized our flesh,
we did what we had to do.
In the name of war, and the images we seen, ]
our minds drained with evil’s obscene.
We lost our compassion,
empathy had no role,
this our commanders voices told.
Fighting machines bear our woes,
those who died left others disfigured.
O in the cold, cold night or in the hot sun of a desert,
we slept in shallow graves.
Bleached skin, red veins,
sore muscles and tendons.
Thee care not!
for we must rise to fight again.
So many days,
long sadness reigned.
Families wept and grieved their loss
Let us come home…Let us come home
and cry that river while hearing the trumpets play.
O my eyes opened wide when no one met us on that dreary day.
Our families were there with tear filled eyes,
but no marching band to say welcome home.
Many thought the giving of limbs, and lives,
would grant us respect,
but those still alive remained alone.
Now we’re longing and have no place to go,
as power took our solace away.
It stripped the rest of our hopeless mind
and strapped us down, yet another day.
Power ye be deranged,
ye dwellers on high.
How dare you step on our bleeding bodies,
or touch the place upon our chest,
where once a heartbeat gave command.
Don’t close the door to our memory,
or let our artifacts lay in storage bins.
To our country in respect we stood,
we are the role models to our kin.
We fought for you,
We died for you,
We gave you our all.
It’s time to give back, with compassion and love,
and recognize us before we take that final fall.
Please don’t close the door in our faces,
or slap us down over and over again.
Reach out your hand, take ours in yours,
be that leader that should knowingly makes amends.
It’s time to create change, to begin a new story,
and set the record straight.
Our Veterans who fought and gave their lives,
we stand proud as they walk through that golden gate.
Let our doors open wide,
welcome all who still walk this earth.
May their burdens soften
and sorrows fade.
Let them stand together
in this place so shared.
God Bless our Veterans…all of you
those who died,
and those still here,
may they stand with pride.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: Jan. 28/2014
Did you know when coins are left on a Veteran’s headstone, or at the grave site, they have meaning. It is actually a message left for the family to see. That way the visitor instead of calling the family on the telephone or visiting them personally can show their respect by leaving a coin. Different coins have different meanings, for instance… Leaving a penny at the grave means, you visited. A nickel on the other hand means you and the deceased trained at boot camp together, a dime means you served with him in some capacity. Now, leaving a quarter means, you are telling the family that you were with the solider when he was killed.
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