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Published on June 10, 2014
Marlene Darlene Bird, 47, is seen in this photo that was handed out for Friday’s march through downtown Prince Albert.
Herald file photo
More than a week after her violent assault in downtown Prince Albert, Marlene Darlene Bird, 47, remains in hospital.
Other news
“She’s not talking, but … the surgeon said that she is conscious that we’re in the room,” her aunt Lorna Thiessen said on Tuesday.
Bird is in recovery at the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton where she’s undergone numerous surgeries as a result of a June 1 assault.
“It wasn’t just a little beating,” Thiessen clarified. “Her life was at stake.”
Emergency personnel found Bird at about 10:20 a.m. on June 1 outside of the Margo Fournier Centre.
While Bird recovers in Edmonton with a small group of family at her bedside, another group of supporters is growing in Prince Albert, spurred in part by the Prince Albert YWCA.
“Marlene Bird is a mother, a daughter, a member of the Montreal Lake Cree Nation and a part of our YWCA Prince Albert family,” Prince Albert YWCA executive director Donna Brooks said, noting that staff know her well and that she’s “easy to get along with — basically harmless.”
She needs to know that she is supported, Brooks said, noting that it’s been appalling to the limited reach of Bird’s story beyond local media.
“If this attack would have happened to a middle class woman in a suburban Toronto neighbourhood, I guarantee you it would have been on the national news — I guarantee you that,” she said.
“But, because it happened in Prince Albert, it happened to an aboriginal woman who is a part of the homeless community — because of all those factors I don’t think it received the media attention it should.”
YWCA staff is collecting letters of support and financial donations for Bird and her family, which they will mail out to Edmonton every week during her recovery.
“It’s very important to show her that she matters — that what has happened to her has saddened a lot of people in our community and that she is important and there are a lot of people who care about her,” Brooks said.
The local YWCA executive director also helped bring Bird’s story to the World YWCA, which issued their own words of support.
“The YWCA movement, in 125 countries and 22,000 communities around this world, stands in solidarity with Marlene Bird and joins her family’s call for justice,” World YWCA general secretary Nyaradzayi Gumbonzvanda said in a release.
The Edmonton YWCA has also stepped up to the plate by helping Bird’s family during their stay in the Alberta city.
When it comes to the attack itself, Thiessen maintains that she’s confident someone out there knows who attacked her niece.
“P.A.’s a small community, everyone knows everybody on the street level,” she said.
It’s very important to show her that she matters — that what has happened to her has saddened a lot of people in our community and that she is important and there are a lot of people who care about her. Donna Brooks
“People know who it is but they’re not wanting to tell because they’re scared, and that’s how it works on the street.
“One of the things they should know is people can call (Crime Stoppers) … and their name is not going to be given out, you’re not going to be traced in any way or form, and they need to know that.”
In addition to urging people to help local police find the perpetrator(s), Brooks issues a word of caution to the public.
“Go out in pairs or don’t go to areas where there’s nobody else around, because we don’t know the details,” she said. “It’s really important that people watch out for their own safety.”
The Prince Albert YWCA is also reiterating their stance on violence — that “Violence in any form, it’s not acceptable.”
“We need to put an end to it in our society, and I know it’s kind of an elusive thing, but everyone can do a little piece,” Brooks said.
Attend events such as last week’s march against violence and in support of Marlene Bird, she encouraged. Lobby politicians to increase penalties for those who perpetuate violence. Donate to local shelters.
One means of support with an immediate effect would be sending a letter of encouragement to Bird while she recovers in Edmonton.
Currently, Thiessen said that Bird’s group of bedside supporters are limiting what Bird hears out of fear of overwhelming her.
“We’re just letting her know that she’s in an Edmonton hospital and she’s going to be fine and her family’s with her — that’s all we’re allowed to tell her,” she explained.
However, as she becomes able to take on more information it would be nice if it were full of positivity and support, Brooks said.
Those interested in sending regards to Marlene Darlene Bird during her recovery are encouraged to drop letters off at either the YWCA Our House Shelter at 94 15th St. E. or the Central Avenue location at 1894 Central Ave.
UPDATE: The Prince Albert YWCA has already mailed its first shipment of letters to Marlene Bird and plans on doing so every week that she remains in hospital.
Financial donations will go toward Bird’s support team who are remaining at her bedside in Edmonton.
On June 6, more than 100 supporters showed up for a march through downtown Prince Albert in Bird’s honour and against violence.
The march culminated in a prayer where Bird was found a few days previous.
Tips can be made anonymously by phoning Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
Address to follow:
1895 Central Ave.
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
S6V 4W8
Thankyou people

Twenty-three years after the violent murder of 14 women at École Polytechnique in Montréal and the horror has not ceased for many Canadians.
Mostly made up of students from the Prince Albert Collegiate Institute high school and the Ending Violence Against Women Committee, as well as two police officers and Mayor Greg Dionne, they marched throughout the mall on Thursday at noon.
While the murders at École Polytechnique are by no means the only atrocity which has been committed against the female half of Canada’s population — B.C.’s Highway of Tears and Vancouver’s Robert Pickton, are a couple of drastic examples — it was the first and largest to sweep across the country grabbing the attention of every media outlet for days.
“It was a national tragedy and it brought attention to the issue. It became not only a memorial but a call to action,” said Sandy Pitzel, an organizer of the event in Prince Albert.
Ever since then it has been a rallying point for awareness campaigns about the continued violence suffered by Canadian women.
The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women is intended to be a time to mobilize against violence and to support the women and families who experience it, Pitzel said.
Hello World…May I have a moment please?
Three of my poetry books are now published on the Kindle through
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Tags: End Violence Against Women · Uncategorized
Bring Back Our Girls
Thunder cracked their silence of sleep.
Wretched men, horrid thieves emerged.
Kidnapping our most precious jewels,
Many boisterous slaves of Satan rules.
Evil blasted through the walls of peace,
and that cadence so held within the air
soon faded to ruptured horror feared.
Shock filled, terror building screams.
Our innocent ripped from peaceful dreams.
To the hands of filth and angry men,
we weep buckets of tears wanting to see
our girls again. Mothers, Fathers, pain so
stricken, “Bring Back Our Girls” to the land
of the living.
We pray our girls are held without pain,
and empty threats in our media heard.
When silence befalls such lips of horror,
despicable images in minds emerge.
O the world seems silent, in shock we sit.
Every man and woman knows not what to do.
We can only pray that those in power, will
forcefully come after the likes of you.
May the higher power intervene and show
our girls a means of escape. May Jesus
walk within the scene and hold on tight to
our precious beings. Lord don’t take them
home O no not yet, bring them safe and
sound to a parents safety net.
Bring Back Our Girls Father, I know you can,
there’s nothing in this world bigger than you.
I pray in the name of your son, Jesus Christ,
our world is now depending on you.
Bring Back Our Girls
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: May 10/2014

Hi Folks, check out for my Kindle books
Journey Of The Soul, Above The Rain and the tell it
like it is book…Conscious Revelation.
Tags: Political
25 Facts About The Fall Of Detroit
That Will Leave You Shaking Your Head By Michael Snyder, on July 20th, 2013 It is so sad to watch one of America’s greatest cities die a horrible death. Once upon a time, the city of Detroit was a teeming metropolis of 1.8 million people and it had the highest per capita income in the United States. Now it is a rotting, decaying hellhole of about 700,000 people that the rest of the world makes jokes about. On Thursday, we learned that the decision had been made for the city of Detroit to formally file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy. It was going to be the largest municipal bankruptcy in the history of the United States by far, but on Friday it was stopped at least temporarily by an Ingham County judge. She ruled that Detroit’s bankruptcy filing violates the Michigan Constitution because it would result in reduced pension payments for retired workers. She also stated that Detroit’s bankruptcy filing was “also not honoring the (United States) president, who took (Detroit’s auto companies) out of bankruptcy”, and she ordered that a copy of her judgment be sent to Barack Obama. How “honoring the president” has anything to do with the bankruptcy of Detroit is a bit of a mystery, but what that judge has done is ensured that there will be months of legal wrangling ahead over Detroit’s money woes. It will be very interesting to see how all of this plays out. But one thing is for sure – the city of Detroit is flat broke. One of the greatest cities in the history of the world is just a shell of its former self. The following are 25 facts about the fall of Detroit that will leave you shaking your head…
1) At this point, the city of Detroit owes money to more than 100,000 creditors.
2) Detroit is facing $20 billion in debt and unfunded liabilities. That breaks down to more than $25,000 per resident.
3) Back in 1960, the city of Detroit actually had the highest per-capita income in the entire nation.
4) In 1950, there were about 296,000 manufacturing jobs in Detroit. Today, there are less than 27,000.
5) Between December 2000 and December 2010, 48 percent of the manufacturing jobs in the state of Michigan were lost.
6) There are lots of houses available for sale in Detroit right now for $500 or less.
7) At this point, there are approximately 78,000 abandoned homes in the city.
8) About one-third of Detroit’s 140 square miles is either vacant or derelict.
9) An astounding 47 percent of the residents of the city of Detroit are functionally illiterate.
10) Less than half of the residents of Detroit over the age of 16 are working at this point.
11) If you can believe it, 60 percent of all children in the city of Detroit are living in poverty.
12) Detroit was once the fourth-largest city in the United States, but over the past 60 years the population of Detroit has fallen by 63 percent.
13) The city of Detroit is now very heavily dependent on the tax revenue it pulls in from the casinos in the city. Right now, Detroit is bringing in about 11 million dollars a month in tax revenue from the casinos.
14) There are 70 “Superfund” hazardous waste sites in Detroit.
15) 40 percent of the street lights do not work.
16) Only about a third of the ambulances are running.
17) Some ambulances in the city of Detroit have been used for so long that they have more than 250,000 miles on them.
18) Two-thirds of the parks in the city of Detroit have been permanently closed down since 2008.
19) The size of the police force in Detroit has been cut by about 40 percent over the past decade.
20) When you call the police in Detroit, it takes them an average of 58 minutes to respond.
21) Due to budget cutbacks, most police stations in Detroit are now closed to the public for 16 hours a day.
22) The violent crime rate in Detroit is five times higher than the national average.
23) The murder rate in Detroit is 11 times higher than it is in New York City.
24) Today, police solve less than 10 percent of the crimes that are committed in Detroit.
25) Crime has gotten so bad in Detroit that even the police are telling people to “enter Detroit at your own risk”.
It is easy to point fingers and mock Detroit, but the truth is that the rest of America is going down the exact same path that Detroit has gone down.
Detroit just got there first. All over this country, there are hundreds of state and local governments that are also on the verge of financial ruin…
“Everyone will say, ‘Oh well, it’s Detroit. I thought it was already in bankruptcy,’ ” said Michigan State University economist Eric Scorsone. “But Detroit is not unique. It’s the same in Chicago and New York and San Diego and San Jose. It’s a lot of major cities in this country. They may not be as extreme as Detroit, but a lot of them face the same problems.”
A while back, Meredith Whitney was highly criticized for predicting that there would be a huge wave of municipal defaults in this country. When it didn’t happen, the critics let her have it mercilessly. But Meredith Whitney was not wrong. She was just early. Detroit is only just the beginning. When the next major financial crisis strikes, we are going to see a wave of municipal bankruptcies unlike anything we have ever seen before. And of course the biggest debt problem of all in this country is the U.S. government. We are going to pay a great price for piling up nearly 17 trillion dollars of debt and over 200 trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities.
All over the nation, our economic infrastructure is being gutted, debt levels are exploding and poverty is spreading. We are consuming far more wealth than we are producing, and our share of global GDP has been declining dramatically. We have been living way above our means for so long that we think it is “normal”, but an extremely painful “adjustment” is coming and most Americans are not going to know how to handle it. So don’t laugh at Detroit. The economic pain that Detroit is experiencing will be coming to your area of the country soon enough.
Tags: Political

(I stand beside you, though fear has pierced your veins. I ask our Father in Heaven to guide you through harsh storms and the wrath of pain. May the light of our great Heaven caress your body and your soul and may a long life of happiness be yours once more to hold.) By: Melvina Germain
You can visit my facebook page for more detailed information regarding this most important issue that plagues us still today. Women are violated in astronomical numbers all over the world. Certain males in some countries feel they have a right to demean, brutalize and rape women. We must work together to stop this madness. I’m heard the story of one individual, who agreed to write what she went through. She has asked not to be identified and I totally respect her wishes. Take a look.
Supporters of S.S.O.S.B.
The writer of this story wants to remain anonymous but she wants to share her experience…..Thank you for sharing…..
my day started like this: always my parents screaming at me and hitting me so badly, so that i was in so much pain, so many times a day i would be hit, and then i wouldn’t eat or sleep as i was used to do everything and do what they wanted, i never left home alone, at school i got bullied by my teaches and students, my brothers 2 where having sexual contact with me and the other brother was smaller but he also was into touching my body, it was a game for them even when my parents where at home, we shared the same room so they could have physical contact, they usually took me from my arm one of them force me into a bedroom, undress me with force throw me on the bed and abuse and hurt me, they would rape me at least once a day from both brothers, or when i was in the room alone on the bed they would just free my parts to rape, they always left me lying on the bed in pain, shameful, before they abused me always it was i love u after wards it was i hate u, if i tried to scream or stop them they would threaten me and injure me more, i was also forced by many men to have sexual contact, i wasn’t able to do anything was powerless, i was generally raped by the same people over again they forced me to see them, i had first physical contact to my brothers at age 8, with 13 i started to be forced by other men, i tried reporting my family for abuse but nothing happened even when i showed the abuse marks i had, it was always u came from this family, they are loving your parents etc, always it was this way it is supposedly made up what i say and that i have psychological problems, i also saw my sister 1-2 years ago when she was only 6-7 raped, this was a night mare to hear her scream and see it happen, my parents reaction nothing, they would leave us two girls with our brothers they are only involved sadly, i still am not away from things yet but working on it, 12 years of rape and many more of neglect and abuse, it all happened due that my family is one of the best families and that i was just not how they want me to be.

CONGRATULATIONS SARA…The day finally came, you are free now sister.
From the day Sara Kruzan walked into prison in 1995, with a life sentence at age 16 for killing her 36-year-old pimp in Riverside, freedom was a long shot.
Radio news logo
Sara Kruzan Released From Prison 18 Years After Killing Pimp As Teen
Sara Kruzan left the Central California Women’s Prison in Chowchilla early Thursday morning. Her release was a triumphant moment after a lengthy, uphill legal fight.
She had already been denied the possibility of parole, though the California Youth Authority believed she could be rehabilitated and released at age 25. And a Riverside court rejected Kruzan’s petition for a new trial, even though her defense attorney never introduced testimony about her abusive upbringing, including the fact that her pimp molested her at age 11, and raped her at 13.
Her appeals lawyer, Ron McIntire, said the tide turned when then-Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger commuted her sentence to 25 years with the possibility of parole. The case got another boost when the California Supreme Court granted Kruzan’s petition to show cause of why she shouldn’t be released.
“Between the governor’s order and the supreme court’s order, we had a lot to use with the Riverside district attorney in terms of negotiating her sentence down from first-degree to second-degree,” McIntire said.
Earlier this year, prosecutors agreed to reduce Kruzan’s first-degree murder charge to second-degree, which made her eligible for parole. Early Thursday morning, Kruzan left the Central California Women’s Prison in Chowchilla. McIntire said Kruzan now is happily ensconced in an Orange County apartment and in a program to help re-integrate her back into society.
Hi Folks, check out for my Kindle booksJourney Of The Soul, Above The Rain and the tell itlike it is book…Conscious Revelation.
Tags: End Violence Against Women
Before we get started, please understand, I’am not a plumber nor is anyone in my home. We are merely consumers of products. I was very unfortunate to have a clogged sink and what I’m sharing with you, is my experience during this problem. I’m sharing what took place at my home and what the outcome was. So realize I’m not suggesting that you do what I did, but if you do take it upon yourself to work on your own situation, you might relate to some of what I experienced. To be 100% safe, it is best to call a plumber, I’m sure you know that. My problem in doing that was totally financial…Sharing below:

Please note, the products in view here are merely products I tried and did get a little help from. However it was almost impossible for these products to work as the clog was coming from the roof as well as in other parts of the pipes. I say that due to having some drainage after using these products. Also realize we did not use these products together, we flushed in between and waited a day or two. With any product you must read and follow the instructions, so I reiterate to you to read fully your instructions. I’ve used both of these products in the past with great success

When To Call A Plumber
Many of us find ourselves in our senior years , a little shy of the green. When these unexpected issues occur, it’s usually at a bad time. Well as of late, that happened to me. I filled my sink to wash dishes and it would not drain.
In the past no worries at all, “Drano” or “Liquid Plumber” took care of the problem years back. My sons began working on the drain with a plunger, then later added Drano. The Drano seemed to drain a bit but not enough so they flushed that out and tried, liquid plumber which drained some as well. More plunging, still nothing and off to home depot, my youngest son and I went to buy a one second gadget which I found online. He used up all the times allotted on the gadget and still nothing. My oldest son decided to borrow a snake and tried that, and a wee bit more drainage came. We thought we had it down.
That sink filled again, we flushed then with baking soda and vinegar, flushing with warm water later and we had a little more drainage. But it backed up again, my sons kept at it and I was really thinking of calling in the plumber and get the bad news of mega bucks.

I had a strange thought, could a wee animal somehow get into the drain, then I gave my head a shake and thought, impossible. My oldest son kept on it and went to the net again, we visited there several times and tried several tips. As he was reading, a light bulb went off in his mind and he realized the only place he hadn’t checked was the roof.
Up on the roof he went, with a snake in hand and a water hose. I waited until he was ready and as instructed, turned the water on. He flushed out the area up there and when I went back into the kitchen, that full sink of water had drained out. Now it is free flowing, so we Took many avenues before thinking of the rooftop and my son was smiling and asking himself why didn’t he think of that earlier.

I was amazed because my thought of a little animal causing the plug was not off track at All. We really believe perhaps the plug was a wee bird or maybe packed with leaves, that’s my thinking as we have an over-grown poplar tree at the neighbors next door, but my son is more convinced it’s probably an animal. I had no idea about plumbing on the roof top so did not mention my thoughts of an animal clogging the drain. We must explore every thought, all questions are valid when trying to solve issues.
Here’s a list of what we tried in order to unplug that harsh clog.
1. Plunging for a good amount of time and several times during the course of the 4 days of the clog.
2. We tried one solution of Drano as it is such a harsh chemical, I don’t like to use too much of the chemicals, Drano or Liquid plumber. When it didn’t work, we were surprised as it has worked years ago. Read all instructions with any of these products and familiarize yourself with, why they work and what takes place during the chemical process.
3. A day or so later we tried, liquid plumber and the drain seemed to clear, but later it clogged again.
4. After using the sink with the slow drain, my son decided to flush with hot water and it seemed to work but soon after, clogged again.
5. He decided, one more try with liquid plumber and if it didn’t work on this second try, we better start looking for a plumber.
6. I came home and noticed the sink was almost full of water and said out loud, we’re in trouble, I’m going to have to call a plumber to fix this. My son at the time was on the computer reading about the roof in my office. That’s when the light bulb in his mind went on.
7. He went up on the roof and began to clean out the vent up there, which I had no idea about. I heard him say, it doesn’t look clogged but he flushed it out with water. I went in the house after turning off the hose and lo and behold, the sink had drained.
8. We flushed with several pots of hot water and it is flowing beautifully now.
9. Well if you didn’t know before, now you know all the different avenues to exhaust prior to calling a plumber. I’ll come back after a week and let you know, how we’re doing here.
10. I must mention, both sons did open the pipes to check for the clog as well, to no avail.
11. If none of this works, you need to make that call and let the professionals do the work. Be prepared for a huge bill, however. Much respect to plumbers, of course, I do respect the work they do but I had to exhaust all possibilities as a huge bill right now, is not a good thing for me.
While researching, trying to figure out what to do, I found a natural way to unclog perhaps small clogs. One was baking soda and vinegar, I’m thinking this might be a good way to maintain and hopefully keep the pipes clean. I know I clean my pans that have stuck on grease and such and the baking soda takes it right off. I’ve been using baking soda for years. I usually let it sit on the pan over night but apparently in 15 minutes the job is done, and you can use some liquid soap to wash all the grease off. In regard to the clog, simply pour a good amount of baking soda down the drain, no water in the sink and follow it with a cup of vinegar. It creates a volcanic reaction as it goes down the drain. Fun to watch actually.

These are the products I used during this long process, the vinegar was bought in a dollaram looney store and the baking soda was bought at Co-op grocery store.

Again I say to you, I’m not a plumber, I’m thinking this might work but really you ought to check with a professional and make sure you are not doing any harm to your pipes.
Tags: Uncategorized
Tags: Inspirational

So many of us mama are afraid to be you.
we are living in a plastic world. We are
touched with a burning fever mama, with the
hunger for botox, facelifts and pigment
change. Mama we are terrified of our true
selves and want to buy back youth. We begin
to look like animals, smooth slices of
plastic, lips beyond voluptuous and mama we
can no longer speak properly as our skin
is held so tight our lips can no longer
move. We have become lost in the trenches
of lookism and refuse to age gracefully.
Perhaps looking at you mama will encourage
and inspire us to be that of who we were
meant to be. Our honest and true selves
breathing freedom and speaking proudly.
Thank you for this Blessing of truth mama.
By: Melvina Germain
Date: April 21/2014
Tags: Unique information
My wee contribution, in tribute to Canada’s gold in Men’s Hockey…..
O Canada ,
You’re bringing home the Gold.
Proud we are of our athletes in red,
thumbs up! hold high your head.
We can yell out loud, with words so bold.
Our Canada,
has won the Gold.
By: Melvina Germain
Date: Feb. 23/2014
Tags: Unique information

Welcome poet brothers and sisters and welcome to all readers in t he world. My blessings began and never ended as each day is filled with a creative flow of beauty. My early morning bliss comes with a murmur of soft words filtering my mind. A myriad of words in the midst of tranquility. My eyes closed, not yet ready to open and squeeze away the nights sleep. I embrace myself and hang onto another few moments of warmth while trying to remember the words dancing within my mind. While laying silently holding on to a poets dream, my lips part and whisper a lullaby just for me. Such pleasing words with no ink to splash upon a page. I lay there in the comfort of my bed, anticipating a day filled with an abundance of creativity.
It is my hope that you will find words pleasing to your soul, words that ignite a flame, words that open your eyes, uplifting you and words that soothe you. Come on in and stay awhile. “Melvina”
You are a person of “word”, given a gift to share with the world, to inspire to bring forth love and shower others abundantly. You are a vessel here to share with humanity, giving of yourself, you inner beauty. Sharing your strength, your power, your love, your softness and sharing with heart and compassion. You have become a part of the tree of life, the one many will look up to and wonder how do you do that. How is it possible for you to put these words together like that. We all may know the words and understand them but we have no gift of how to let them flow on the page so they affect others in a profound and loving way. You are the poet who stands on the mountaintop, spreads his arms and Blesses the world with your words. You are amazing, a special chosen one, a delight to the world. Be it, know it, embrace it, respect it and love it…..By: Melvina Germain
Tags: Inspirational
Times changed, as daggers were strewn, tongues lashing, judgements
calling. A raging storm set forth and that once happy abode became a
target, a place of fear to the occupants who tried to live in peace there.
How mighty and fierce one can be, on the other side of the mountain with
no images of clarity.
Oh we pound our fists, make our threats, loudly intimidate, holding others
accountable in order to see the interactions, the reactions, the tumbling
stories unfold, waitng for an ugly ending. Feasting not on food but yet on
gossip, needless, senseless gossip.
One seems to forget the good times, the silver serving sets shining brillance,
the perfect table setting, fine china, all laid out to please, the elegance of
the first lady and the soft and welcoming words that flowed filling a day with
happiness…yes one forgets, the favors, the gifts, the inspiration, the worry,
the care and compassion but yet mouths flap like hungry fish.
The elegance disappears as the years offer brital bones, memory loss, bent
fingers as neuropathy visits ones lower extremities. No no more perfect table
settings, no fancy pies, cheesecake squares or lemon tarts. Eyes that once
could see, now savor peaceful moments in the dark, blind and forgotten.
Pointed fingers, thrashing that which we know nothing of. Congregating
with family, congregating with friends you see, back lashing, boldly trying to
rape ones self esteem. Yet those whose rubbish we listen too, have nothing
of worth coming through. No knocks on the door to say hello,no telephone
calls saying, I love you, no food baskets wishing one well or a happy note with
cute words…I’m thinking of you, I think you’re swell.
One might sift through their thoughts looking for answers. Pondering, asking
the question…does perfection live on the other side of the mountain? Does
the advice thrown out bear good results or wreak havoc and bring forth death.
Who are these people, what are they in lack of. Time certainly is of the essence
and prayer is a factor but don’t pray for me or those I’m caring for. The mirage
of visitation no longer exists nor surface on the fields of acceptance.
Torn assunder, yet love still reigns within ones heart. We may decide to forgive,
but never forget and with these words, one must depart.
Written by: Melvina Germain
Date: Aug. 19/2012
© 2013 Above The Rain (All rights reserved)
Tags: Uncategorized